- Grochowski Paweł, Lesyng Bogdan Canonical Representations and Efficient Propagations Schemes for Quantum-Gaussian-Classical Dynamical Models 227th ACS Natiional Meeting, Anaheim, CA , March 28 – April 1, 2004, Anaheim, CA, American Chemical Society, Division of Physical Chemistry, 2004
- Grochowski Paweł, Lesyng Bogdan Helmann-Feynman Forces and Symplectic Propagation Schemes for Quantum-Classical Molecular Dynamics Multiscale Computational Models for Biomedical Research, University of California San Diego, March 25-27, 2004 – Poster Abstracts, San Diego, CA, University of California, 2004
- Kalinowski Jarosław, Lesyng Bogdan, Lesyng Bogdan, Thompson J.D., Cramer C., Truhlar D.G. Class IV charge model for the self-consistent charge density-functional tight-binding method, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 2004, 108, s. 2545-2549
- Górecki Adam, Leluk Jacek, Lesyng Bogdan, Lesyng Bogdan A Java-implementation of a genetic semihomology algorithm (GEISHA), and its applications for analyses of selected protein families, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY, 2004, 271, s. 30
- Meglicz Agata, Leluk Jacek, Lesyng Bogdan, Lesyng Bogdan Protein inhibitors of kinases – homology analysis, mechanisms of differentiation and correlated mutations, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY, 2004, 271, s. 30
- Kukuła M., Hanus-Lorenz B., Bok E., Leluk Jacek, Sikorski A. Proteins with Spectrin Motifs Which Do Not Belong to the Spectrin-a-Actinin-Dystrophin Family, ZEITSCHRIFT FUR NATURFORSCHUNG SECTION C-A JOURNAL OF BIOSCIENCES, 2004, 59c, s. 565-571
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- Wojciechowski Michał, Lesyng Bogdan, Lesyng Bogdan Generalized Born Model: Analysis, Refinement and Applications to Proteins, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B, 2004, 108, s. 18368-18376
- Jakubiak Bogumił Development of data assimilation algorithms for mesoscale and cloud resolving atmospheric models BALTDER Workshop, Hel, 22-24 August 2004, Gdynia, 2004
- Ćwiok Mikołaj, Czyrkowski Henryk, Dąbrowski Ryszard, Dominik Wojciech, Nawrocki Krzysztof, Burd Aleksander “Pi of the Sky” – automated search for fast optical transients over the whole sky, ASTRONOMISCHE NACHRICHTEN, 2004, AN 325, s. 674
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- Krawczyk Jakub, Andrejczuk Mirosław, Piotrowski Zbigniew, Strużewska Joanna, Jakubiak Bogumił, Malinowski Szymon High Resolution Modelling of Atmospheric Flow over Southern Poland Abstracts Book and CD-ROM proceedings, 21st International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Warszawa, IPPT PAN, 2004
- Trylska Joanna, Tozzini Valentina, McCammon J A coarse-grained model of the ribosome: Molecular dynamics simulations, PROTEIN SCIENCE, 2004, 13, s. 217
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- Batorski Dominik Towards an information society Social Diagnosis 2003: Objective and subjective quality of life in Poland, Warszawa, University of Finance and Management, 2004
- Brojewski B, Jakubiak Bogumił, Jasiński J Impact of the Surface Temperature and the Zonal Drift on the Orographic Bifurcation and Blocking in 2L-Baroclinic Model of the Troposphere, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2004, 45, s. 217-235
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- Kozińska Dorota, Holland C, Krissian K, Westin C, Guttmann C Analysis of geometrical relations between multiple sclerosis lesions and brain vasculature Physiology, Function, and Structure from Medical Images, Bellingham, WA, USA, Amir A. Amini, Armando Manduca – SPIE, 2004
- Radomski Jan P. Genetic Paralog Analysis and Simulations ICCS 2004, LNCS 3039, Berlin – Heidelberg, Springer Verlag, 2004
- Plewczyński Dariusz, Rychlewski Leszek, Jaroszewski Łukasz, Ye Yuzhen, Godzik Adam Integrated Web Service for Improving the Alignment Quality based on Segments Comparison, BMC BIOINFORMATICS, 2004, 5, s. 1-7
- Plewczyński Dariusz, Pas Jakub, von Grotthuss Marcin, Rychlewski Leszek Comparison of Proteins Based on the Segment Structural Similarity, Acta Biochimica Polonica, 2004, 51, s. 161-172
- Gomes J, David M, … …, Wiślicki Wojciech, van Albada G First Prototype of the CrossGrid Testbed, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2004, 2970, s. 67-77
- Jakubiak Bogumił Assimilation of the radar rainfall data using latent heat nudging technique European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology (ERAD), Visby, Sweden, Copernicus GmbH, 2004
- Rand Tim, Ginalski Krzysztof, Grishin Nick, Wang Xiaodong Biochemical identification of Argonaute 2 as the sole protein required for RNA-induced silencing complex activity, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2004, s. 14385-14389
- Ginalski Krzysztof, Zemojtel Tomasz ECEPE proteins: a novel family of eukaryotic cysteine proteinases, TRENDS IN BIOCHEMICAL SCIENCES, 2004, s. 524-526
- Ginalski Krzysztof, Zhang Hong, Grishin Nick Raptor protein contains a caspase-like domain, TRENDS IN BIOCHEMICAL SCIENCES, 2004, s. 522-524
- Ginalski Krzysztof, Kinch Lisa, Rychlewski Leszek, Grishin Nick BTLCP proteins: a novel family of bacterial transglutaminase-like cysteine proteinases, TRENDS IN BIOCHEMICAL SCIENCES, 2004, 29, s. 392-395
- Ginalski Krzysztof, Kinch Lisa, Rychlewski Leszek, Grishin Nick DCC proteins: a novel family of thiol-disulfide oxidoreductases, TRENDS IN BIOCHEMICAL SCIENCES, 2004, 29, s. 339-342
- Ginalski Krzysztof, von Grotthuss Marcin, Grishin Nick, Rychlewski Leszek Detecting distant homology with Meta-BASIC, NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH, 2004, s. 576-581
- Ginalski Krzysztof, Kinch Lisa, Rychlewski Leszek, Grishin Nick BOF: a novel family of bacterial OB-fold proteins, FEBS Letters, 2004, 567, s. 297-301
- Venclovas Ceslovas, Ginalski Krzysztof, Kang Chulhee Seuence-structure mapping errors in the PDB: OB-fold domains, PROTEIN SCIENCE, 2004, s. 1594-1602
- Ginalski Krzysztof, Rychlewski Leszek, Baker David, Grishin Nick Protein structure prediction for the male-specific region of the human Y chromosome, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2004, s. 2305-2310
- Towpik Joanna, Chacińska Agnieszka, Cieśla Małgorzata, Ginalski Krzysztof, Boguta Magdalena Mutations in the yeast mrf1 gene encoding mitochondrial release factor inhibit translation on mitochondrial ribosomes, JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, 2004, s. 14096-14103
- Trylska Joanna, Grochowski Paweł, McCammon J The role of hydrogen bonding in the enzymatic reaction catalyzed by HIV-1 protease, PROTEIN SCIENCE, 2004, 13, s. 513-528
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- Szymańska Zuzanna, Gałach Magda An analysis of a model of tumor metastasis formation Computational and Mathematical Population Dynamics, abstracts from Joint Conference MPD 7 -DeStoBio 3, Trento, Italy, June 21-25, 2004, Trento, University of Trento – Italy, 2004
- Szymańska Zuzanna Mathematical Modeling of the Immune Response and Metastasis International Conference for Mathematics in Biology and Medicine – Annual Meeting for the Society for Mathematical Biology, July 25-28, 2004, Michigan, University of Michigan, 2004
- Waniewski Jacek A Mathematical Model of Local Stimulation of Perfusion by Vasoactive Agent Diffusing From Tissue Surface, Cardiovascular Engineering, 2004, 4, s. 115-123
- Waniewski Jacek, Jędruch Wojciech, Żołek Norbert Dynamic Stability and Spatial Hetergeneity in the Individual-Based Modelling of a Lotka_Volterra GAS, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, 2004, 14, s. 139-147
- Zajączkowski Wojciech Global Special Regular solutions to the Navier-Stokes Equations in a Cylindrical Domain under Boundary Slip Conditions, Tokyo, Japan, Gakkotosho Co., Ltd., 2004
- Zdarzyńska Ewa, Zajączkowski Wojciech Differential Inequalities for General Fluid Motions Bounded by a Free Surface, Journal of Applied Analysis, 2004, 10, s. 131-168
- Majka Arkadiusz, Wiślicki Wojciech Statistical thermodynamics for choice models on graphs, PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS, 2004, 337, s. 645-663
- Rudnicki Witold, Komorowski Jan Feature Synthesis and Extraction for the Construction of Generalized Properties of Amino Acids, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2004, 3066, s. 786-791
- Fogtman Anna, Leluk Jacek, Lesyng Bogdan, Lesyng Bogdan Construction of consensus sequences of the b-spectrin family with variable parameter-thresholds and validation of the applied procedure, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY, 2004, 271, s. 29-30
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- Gokieli Maria, Simondon Frederique Convergence to equilibrium for a parabolic problem with mixed boundary conditions in one space dimension, JOURNAL OF EVOLUTION EQUATIONS, 2004, 3, s. 523-548
- Małota Zbigniew, Nawrat Z, Kostka P, Mizerski J, Nowiński Krzysztof, Waniewski Jacek Physical and computer modelling of blood flow in a systemic-to-pulmonary shunt, International Journal of Artificial Organs, 2004, 27, s. 990-999
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- Wojciechowski Michał, Grycuk Tomasz, Antosiewicz Jan, Lesyng Bogdan, Lesyng Bogdan Prediction of Secondary Ionization of the Phosphate Group in Phosphotyrosine Peptides, BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 2003, 84, s. 750-756
- Batorski Dominik, Bartkowski Wiesław Identyfikacja partyjna w przestrzennej teorii wyborów, Studia Socjologiczne, 2003, s. 113-138
- Majka Arkadiusz, Wiślicki Wojciech Uniformity of the phase space andfluctuations in thermal equilibrium, PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS, 2003, 322, s. 313-328
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- Czogalla Aleksander, Kwolek Paulina, Hryniewicz-Jankowska Anita, Nietubyć Małgorzata, Leluk Jacek, Sikorski Aleksander A protein isolated from Escherichia coli, identified as GroEL, reacts with anti-beta spectrin antibodies, ARCHIVES OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS, 2003, 415, s. 94-100
- Zdyb Anna, Leluk Jacek Comparative studies of sugar and protein kinases: genetic relationships and consensus sequences, CELLULAR & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY LETTERS, 2003, 8, s. 593
- Grochowski Paweł Quantum and Quantum-Classical Sudies of Phosphoryl-Transfer Mechanisms in Model Systems, CELLULAR & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY LETTERS, 2003, 8, s. 617-618
- Jakubiak Bogumił Meteorological data assimilation as a filtering problem Probabilistic Problems in Atmospheric and Water Sciences, Warszawa, Wydawnictwa ICM, 2003
- Kozińska Dorota, Chmielewski L Image registration and multimodal data integration Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering 2000, Warszawa, Maciej Nałęcz. Akademicka Oficyna Wydawnicza EXIT, 2003
- Leluk Jacek Wrong assumptions and misinterpretations in molecular biology, biochemistry and bioinformatics Gliwice Scientific Meetings 2003 (Book of Abstracts), Gliwice, Centrum Onkologii – Instytut M. Skłodowskiej-Curie Oddział w Gliwicach, 2003
- Walerjan Piotr, Jędrzejczak Joanna, Nowiński Krzysztof, Kozińska Dorota, Siemianowski Cezary, Majkowski Jerzy Metoda trójwymiarowej lokalizacji wyladowań padaczkowych na podstawie połączonych obrazów MRI i zapisów EEG, Epileptologia, 2003, 11, s. 213-228
- Zhivkov Petar, Waniewski Jacek Modelling Tumour-Immunity Interactions with Different Stimulation Functions, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, 2003, 13, s. 307-315
- Zhivkov Petar, Waniewski Jacek Bifurcation Analysis of a Simple Model for Tumour-Immune System Interaction Krajowa Konferencja Zastosowań Matematyki w Biologii i Medycynie, Piwniczna, 9-13 September 2003, Kraków, Instytut Matematyki Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, 2003
- Liszewska Małgorzata, Jakubiak Bogumił Downscaling of Precipitation Fields Generated by a NWP Model, PUBLICATIONS OF THE INSTITUTE OF GEOPHYSICS POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCE, 2003, E-3 (365), s. 25-37
- Cofiño A, Gutierrez J, Jakubiak Bogumił, Melonek Małgorzata Implementation of Data Mining Techniques for Meteorological Applications Realizing Teracomputing, Singapore, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte.Ltd., W. Zwieflhofer, N. Kreitz, 2003
- Brojewski Remigiusz, Jakubiak Bogumił Low Order Barotropic Atmospheric Model in “β-Channel” as a Tool for Testing Meteorological Data Assimilation Algorithms METOC Services Tasks in NATO Operations, Missions and Exercises, Poznań, Poland, 2003
- Jakubiak Bogumił Instabilities in a Large-Scale Atmospheric Flow METOC Services Tasks` in NATO Operations, Missions and Exercises, Poznań, Poland, 2003
- Sonechkin D, Brojewski P, Goncharenko A, Ivashchenko N, Jakubiak Bogumił Low-Frequency Localization of Planetary Wave Phases in the 500-hPa Geopotential Field of the Northern Hemisphere, Russian Meteorology and Hydrology, 2003, 4, s. 42-46
- Ginalski Krzysztof, Rychlewski Leszek Protein Structure Prediction of CASP5 Comparative Modeling and Fold Recognition Targets Using Consensus Alignment Approach and 3D Assessment, PROTEINS-STRUCTURE FUNCTION AND BIOINFORMATICS, 2003, 53, s. 410-417
- Gordon Richard, Ginalski Krzysztof, Rudnicki Witold, Rychlewski Leszek, Pankaskie Marvin, Bujnicki Janusz, Chiang Peter Anti-HIV-1 activity of 3-deaza-adenosine analogs, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY, 2003, 270, s. 3507-3517
- Batorski Dominik, Winkowska-Nowak Katarzyna, Peitgen Heinz-Otto Wprowadzenie do dynamiki społecznej, Warszawa, Academica, 2003
- Chmielewski L, Kozińska Dorota Image registration Proc. 3rd Polish Conference on Computer Pattern Recognition Systems KOSYR 2003, Mików, Poland, ., 2003
- Ginalski Krzysztof, Wyrwicz Lucjan, von Grotthuss Marcin, Pas Jakub, Ruchlewski Leszek Application of 3D-Jury, GRDB, and Verify3D in fold recognition, PROTEINS-STRUCTURE FUNCTION AND BIOINFORMATICS, 2003, s. 418-423
- Ginalski Krzysztof, Pas Jakub, Wyrwicz Lucjan, von Grotthuss Marcin, Bujnicki Janusz, Rychlewski Leszek ORFeus: Detection of distant homology using sequence profiles predicted secondary structure, NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH, 2003, s. 3804-3807
- Ginalski Krzysztof, Rychlewski Leszek Detection of reliable and unexpected protein fold predictions using 3D-Jury, NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH, 2003, s. 3291-3292
- Ginalski Krzysztof, Elofsson Arne, Fischer Daniel, Rychlewski Leszek 3D-Jury: a simple approach to improve protein structure predictions, BIOINFORMATICS, 2003, s. 1015-1018
- Trylska Joanna, Bała Piotr, Geller Maciej, Geller Maciej, Grochowski Paweł Quantum-Classical Molecular Dynamics Simulations in the Studies of the Reaction Catalyzed by HIV-1 Protease SYMULACJA W BADANIACH I ROZWOJU, Zbiór Referatów IX Warsztatów Naukowych PTSK, Koszalin-Osieki, 28-31.08.2002, Koszalin, Polskie Towarzystwo Symulacji Komputerowej, 2003
- Pawłow Irena, Zajączkowski Wojciech On diffused-interface models of shape memory alloys, CONTROL AND CYBERNETICS, 2003, 32, s. 1-2
- Leluk Jacek, Lesyng Bogdan, Lesyng Bogdan Analiza porównawcza białek homologicznych na przykładzie kinaz Materiały konferencyjne: II Krajowy Kongres Biotechnologii, 23-27 czerwca 2003, Łódż, Politechnika Łódzka, 2003
- Gokieli Maria, Ito Akio Global attractor for the Cahn-Hilliard/ Allen-Cahn system, NONLINEAR ANALYSIS-THEORY METHODS & APPLICATIONS, 2003, 52, s. 1821-1841
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- Borowski Peter, Deinert Johanna, Schalinski Sarah, Bretner Maria, Ginalski Krzysztof, Kulikowski Tadeusz, Shugar David Halogenated benzimidazoles and benzotriazoles as inhibitors of the NTPase/helicase activities of hepatitis C and related viruses, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY, 2003, 270, s. 1645-1653
- Lesyng Bogdan, Lesyng Bogdan, Rudnicki Witold Molecular Modelling in Drug Design Optimization of Aerosol Drug Delivery, Dordrech, Kluwer, 2003
- Bala Piotr, Lesyng Bogdan, Lesyng Bogdan, Niezgódka Marek GRID Solutions at ICM: a Contribution to European Resources and Services 4th Global Research Village Conference – Importance of ICT for Research and Science, Warszawa, Information Processing Centre, Warsaw, 2003
- Grochowski Paweł, Lesyng Bogdan, Lesyng Bogdan Extended Hellmann-Feynman forces, canonical representations, and exponential propagators in the mixed quantum-classical molecular dynamics, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 2003, 119, s. 11541-11555
- Rakowski Franciszek, Grochowski Paweł, Lesyng Bogdan, Lesyng Bogdan SCC DFT-TB energy calculations of the phosphoryl transfer reaction in the PKA active site, CELLULAR & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY LETTERS, 2003, 8, s. 603-604
- Leluk Jacek, Lesyng Bogdan, Lesyng Bogdan A comparative study of the primary structures of protein and sugar kinases, CELLULAR & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY LETTERS, 2003, 82, s. 620-621
- Gokieli Maria, Marcinkowski Leszek Discrete Approximation of the Cahn-Hilliard/ Allen-Cahn System with Logarithmic Entropy, JAPAN JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS, 2003, 20, s. 321-351
- Bereza Barbara, Kubiak Agnieszka, Leluk Jacek, Hendrich Wacław Fotoenzym oksydoreduktaza: NADPH-protochlorofilid (LPOR) – klucz do biosyntezy chlorofilu, Postępy Biochemii, 2003, 49, s. 46-55
- Zdyb Anna, Leluk Jacek Kinazy – analiza prównawcza, relacje genetyczne i sekwencja integrująca Materiały konferencyjne: II Krajowy Kongres Biotechnologii, 23-27 czerwca 2003, Łódż, Politechnika Łódzka, 2003
- Dodziuk Hanna, Nowiński Krzysztof, Koźmiński Wiktor, Dolgonos G On the impossibility of determination of stepwise binding constants for the 1:2 complex of (+)camphor with alpha-cyclodextrin, ORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY, 2003, 1, s. 581-584
- Kuśka Jacek, Leluk Jacek Badania nad strukturą i zmiennością mutacyjną kinaz Materiały konferencyjne: II Krajowy Kongres Biotechnologii, 23-27 czerwca 2003, Łódż, Politechnika Łódzka, 2003
- Leluk Jacek, Konieczny Leszek, Roterman Irena Search for structural similarity in proteins, BIOINFORMATICS, 2003, 19, s. 117-124
- Kuśka Jacek, Leluk Jacek Theoretical studies on sugar and
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- Lesyng Bogdan, Bala Piotr, Erwin Dietmar EUROGRID – European Computational Grid Testbed, JOURNAL OF PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING, 2003, 63, s. 590-596
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- Lesyng Bogdan, Nowiński Krzysztof Modelowanie w badaniach naukowych Encyklopedia multimedialna PWN, Tom 13 Nauki przyrodnicze, PWN, Warszawa, 2002, Warszawa, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 2002
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- Grochowski Paweł, Lesyng Bogdan Developing and Testing of Quantum-Gaussian Dynamics for Future Simulations of Enzymatic Processes XIV International Biophysics Congress – Abstracts, Buenos Aires, Argentina, International Union for Pure and Applied Biophysics, Sociedad Argentina de Biofisica, 2002
- Hollender Henryk Proces dydaktyczny i badania naukowe : hop, hop, czy ktoś czeka na wsparcie Udział bibliotek naukowych w kształtowaniu społeczeństwa informacyjnego w Polsce – potencjał, możliwości, potrzeby : materiały z konferencji naukowej, Bydgoszcz, [Wydawnictwa Uczelniane Akademii Techniczno-Rolniczej], 2002
- Trykozko Anna, Zijl Wouter Complementary finite element methods applied to the numerical homogenization of 3D absolute permeability, COMMUNICATIONS IN NUMERICAL METHODS IN ENGINEERING, 2002, 18, s. 31-41
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- Trylska Joanna, Bala Piotr, Geller Maciej, Geller Maciej, Grochowski Paweł Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the First Steps of the Reaction Catalyzed by HIV-1 Protease, BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 2002, 83, s. 794-807
- Leluk Jacek, Sobczyk Monika, Becella Łukasz Correlated Mutations in Selected Protein Families, TASK Quarterly : scientific bulletin of Academic Computer Centre in Gdansk, 2002, 6, s. 469-482
- Herczyński Jan, Herbst Mikołaj Pierwsza Odsłona. Społeczne i terytorialne zró˝nicowanie wyników sprawdzianu szóstoklasistów i egzaminu gimnazjalnego przeprowadzonych wiosnà 2002 roku, Warszawa, Fundacja „Klub Obywatelski”, 2002
- Plewczyński Dariusz, Pas Jakub, von Grotthuss Marcin, Rychlewski Leszek 3D-Hit, Fast Structural Comparison of Proteins, Applied Bioinformatics, 2002, 1, s. 223-225
- Rudowski R, Niezgódka Marek, Opolski G, Nowakowski A Cardio.net – A Distributed Teleinformation System for Cardiology, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2002, 7, s. 28
- Gokieli Maria, Ito A Asymptotic behaviour of a phase-field model of phase transformations Mathematical Sciences and Applications, Mathematical Aspects of Modelling Structure Formation Phenomena, Tokyo, Gakkotosho, 2002
- Mucha Piotr, Zajączkowski Wojciech On the existence for the Dirichlet problem for the compressible linearized Navier-Stokes system in the Lp-framework., Annales Polonici Mathematici, 2002, 78, s. 241-260
- Ginalski Krzysztof, Grochowski Paweł, Lesyng Bogdan, Lesyng Bogdan, Shugar David DFT calculations and parametrization of the approximate Valence Bond method to describe the phosphoryl transfer reaction in a model system, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 2002, 90, s. 1129-1139
- Mucha Piotr, Zajączkowski Wojciech On a Lp-estimate for the linearized compressible Navier-Stokes equations with the Dirichlet boundary conditions, JOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS, 2002, 186, s. 377-393
- Gokieli Maria, Marcinkowski Leszek Numerical solution of coupled Cahn–Hilliard and Allen–Cahn equations with logarithmic entropy Mathematical Aspects of Modelling Structure Formation Phenomena, Tokyo, Gakkotosho co., Ltd., 2002
- Mucha Piotr, Zajączkowski Wojciech On local in time existence for the Dirichlet problem for equations of compressile viscous fluids., Annales Polonici Mathematici, 2002, 78, s. 227-239
- Jakubiak Bogumił Ocena niektórych strumieni promieniowania długofalowego generowanych przez ujednolicony model UKMO Działalność Naukowa Profesora Władysława Górczyńskiego i jej kontunuacja – Sympozjum Klimatologiczne na Uniwersytecie Mikołaja Kopernika, Toruń, Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika, 2002
- Nowiński Aleksander, Nowiński Krzysztof, Bała Piotr Web Based Real Time System for Wavepacket Dynamics, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2002, 2329, s. 552-556
- Trylska Joanna, Bała Piotr, Geller Maciej, Grochowski Paweł Quantum-classical Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the First Steps of the Reaction Catalyzed by HIV-1 Protease IUPAB XIVth International Biophysics Congress, 27.04-01-05, Buenos Aires Argentina, Buenos Aires, 2002
- Lesyng Bogdan, Lesyng Bogdan Dekada polskiego Internetu w nauce Rewolucja informacyjna – 10 lat Internetu w Polsce, Warszawa, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Fizyki, 2002
- Waniewski Jacek Mathematical Models for Evaluation, Optimization, and Control of Artificial Kidney Therapy, Journal of Medical Informatics & Technologies, 2002, 3, s. 27-39
- Waniewski Jacek Distributed Modeling of Diffusive Solute Transport in Peritoneal Dialysis, Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 2002, 30, s. 1181-1195
- Radomski Jan P., Moss de Oliveira Susana Simulation of the Mitochondrial DNA Selection Mechanisms Mathematical Aspects of Modelling Structure Formation Phenomena, Tokyo, Gakkotosho Co., Ltd., 2002
- Geller Maciej Structure and Dynamics of the Living Cell Mathematical Aspects of Modelling Structure Formation Phenomena, Tokyo, Gakkotosho Co., Ltd., 2002
- Zijl Wouter, Trykozko Anna Numerical homogenization of two-phase flow in porous media, COMPUTATIONAL GEOSCIENCES, 2002, 6, s. 49-71
- Niezgódka Marek, Jakubiak Bogumił Scientific Aspects of a Numerical Weather Prediction at ICM Research works based on the ICMs UMPL numerical weather prediction system results, Warszawa, Wydawnictwa ICM, 2002
- Herman-Iżycki Leszek, Jakubiak Bogumił, Nowiński Krzysztof, Niezgódka Bartosz UMPL – the Numerical Weather Prediction System for Operational Applications Research works based on the ICMs UMPL numerical weather prediction system results, Warszawa, Wydawnictwa ICM, 2002
- Nowiński Krzysztof, Jakubiak Bogumił, Nowiński Aleksander PRESTO – Precision Weather Forecast System for Different Types of Transport Research works based on the ICMs UMPL numerical weather prediction system results, Warszawa, Wydawnictwa ICM, 2002
- Jakubiak Bogumił Towards Variational Data Assimilation at ICM Research works based on the ICMs UMPL numerical weather prediction system results, Warszawa, Wydawnictwa ICM, 2002
- Melonek Małgorzata Model Output Statistics in Application to Daily Extreme Temperatures Research works based on the ICMs UMPL numerical weather prediction system results, Warszawa, Wydawnictwa ICM, 2002
- Starosta Katarzyna Precipitation, Wind and Daily Extreme Temperatures Skill Scores Research works based on the ICMs UMPL numerical weather prediction system results, Warszawa, Wydawnictwa ICM, 2002
- Ginalski Krzysztof, Hadi M, Nguyen L, Bujnicki J, Rychlewski L, Wilson III D Structural Determinants in Nuclease Specifity of Human EXOIII-like Proteines: APE1 and APE2 Book of Abstracts: 32nd Annual Meting of European Environmental Mutagen Society. September 3-7, 2002, Warsaw, Poland, Warszawa, EEMS Polish Section, 2002
- Hadi Masood, Ginalski Krzysztof, Nguyen Lam, Wilson III David Determinants in Nuclease Specificity of Ape1 and Ape2, Human Homologues of Escherichia coli Exonuclease III, JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, 2002, 316, s. 853-866
- Ginalski Krzysztof, Grochowski Paweł, Rakowski Franciszek, Lesyng Bogdan Quantum-Mechanical Studies of Phosphate Transfer Reactions XIV International Biophysics Congress – Abstracts, Buenos Aires, Argentina, International Union for Pure and Applied Biophysics, Sociedad Argentina de Biofisica, 2002
- Hollender Henryk Biblioteki akademickie w Unii Europejskiej Polskie bibliotekarstwo w perspektywie wejścia do Unii Europejskiej: materiały z ogólnopolskiej konferencji [Warszawa-Miedzeszyn, 8-9 czerwca 2001], Warszawa, Wydaw. Stowarzyszenia Bibliotekarzy Polskich, 2001
- Hollender Henryk Kliometria w historii książki: “Printing and publishing in Europe and America 1450-1830. Problems of quatification”, Roczniki Biblioteczne, 2001, 44, s. 292-295
- Hollender Henryk Nowe nośniki informacji i nowe tendencje w organizacji bibliotekarstwa Biblioteki jutra. Nowa perspektywa organizacji przestrzennej i funcjonalnej, Warszawa, Centrum Informacji Bibliotekarskiej i Dokumentacyjnej, 2001
- Plewczyński Dariusz, Hołyst R Approach to equilibrium of particles diffusing on curved surfaces, PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS, 2001, 295, s. 371-378
- Hollender Henryk Quantification, national heritage and automation strategy The scholar&database: papers presented on 4 November 1999 at the CERL conference hosted by the Royal Library, Brussels, London, Consortium of European Research Libraries, 2001
- Radomski Jan P. Cancerous tumor: The high frequency of a rare event, PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 2001, 63, s. 1-6
- Radomski Jan P. Social effects in simple computer model of aging, Experimental Gerontology, 2001, 37, s. 175-180
- Słonimski Piotr P., Radomski Jan P. Genomic style of proteins: concepts, methods and analyses of ribosomal proteins from 16 microbial species, FEMS Microbiology Reviews, 2001, 25, s. 425-435
- Zijl Wouter, Trykozko Anna Numerical Homogenization of the Absolute Permeability Using the Conformal-Nodal and Mixed-Hybrid Finite Element Method, TRANSPORT IN POROUS MEDIA, 2001, 44, s. 33-62
- Trykozko Anna, Zijl Wouter, Bossavit Alain Nodal and mixed finite elements for the numerical homogenization of 3D permeability, COMPUTATIONAL GEOSCIENCES, 2001, 5, s. 61-84
- Wiślicki Wojciech Thermodynamic interpretation of the uniformity of the phase space probability measure, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND GENERAL, 2001, 34, s. 4663-4671
- Urbanowicz Janusz Kryptologia, WinSecurity Magazine, 2001, s. 71-76
- Zimniak Andrzej, Bakalarski Grzegorz Molecular properties of a bis(ketoiminato)-bis(tricarbonyliron) complex obtained by symmetric cleavage from acetophenone azine. Idealized symmetry in anti and syn isomers studied by X-ray diffraction, NMR and density functional theory, JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE, 2001, 597, s. 211-221
- Trylska Joanna, Grochowski Paweł, Geller Maciej, Geller Maciej Parametrization of the Approximate Valence Bond (AVB) Method to Describe Potential Energy Surface in the Reaction Catalyzed by HIV-1 Protease, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 2001, 82, s. 86-103
- Stauffer Dietrich, Radomski Jan P. Scaling in the Donangelo-Sneppen model for evolution of money, PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS, 2001, 291, s. 583-586
- Kozińska Dorota, Carducci F, Nowiński Krzysztof Automatic alignment of EEG/MEG and MRI data sets, CLINICAL NEUROPHYSIOLOGY, 2001, 112, s. 1553-1561
- Moss de Oliveira Susana, Radomski Jan P. Simulating the mitochondrial DNA inheritance, THEORY IN BIOSCIENCES, 2001, 120, s. 77-86
- Zijl Wouter, Trykozko Anna Numerical Homogenization of the Absolute Permeability Tensor Around a Well, SPE JOURNAL, 2001, 5, s. 399-408
- Hollender Henryk Biblioteka główna wyższej uczelni w nauce i dydaktyce na przykładzie Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Warszawie, PRZEGLĄD INFORMACYJNO-DOKUMENTACYJNY, 2001, 31, s. 23-30
- Ackermann K, Dominik Wojciech, STAR Collaboration et ELLIPTIC FLOW IN AU + AU COLLISIONS AT (S(NN))**(1/2) = 130 GEV., PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 2001, 86, s. 402-407
- Brodacki Paweł, Ginalski Krzysztof, Lesyng Bogdan, Lesyng Bogdan Modelling the 3D structure of protein kinase C gamma and its interaction with specific Inhibitor, chelerythrine, CELLULAR & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY LETTERS, 2001, 6, s. 548
- Ginalski Krzysztof, Grochowski Paweł, Lesyng Bogdan, Lesyng Bogdan Quantum-mechanical calculations of the potential energy function for the phosphate transfer in model systems, CELLULAR & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY LETTERS, 2001, 6, s. 549
- Miller Maria, Ginalski Krzysztof, Lesyng Bogdan, Lesyng Bogdan, Nakaigawa Noboru, Schmidt Laura, Zbar Berton Onkogenic activation caused by point mutations in the kinase domain of the met proto-oncogene: Molecular modeling studies, CELLULAR & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY LETTERS, 2001, 6, s. 550
- Miller Maria, Ginalski Krzysztof, Lesyng Bogdan, Lesyng Bogdan, Nakaigawa Noboru, Schmidt Laura, Zbar Breton Structural basis of oncogenic activation caused by point mutations in the kinase domain of the MET proto-oncogene: Modeling studies., PROTEINS-STRUCTURE FUNCTION AND BIOINFORMATICS, 2001, s. 32-43
- Marcinkowski Leszek, Gokieli Maria Numerical solution of coupled Cahn-Hilliard and Allen-Cahn equations with logarithmic entropy. Proceedings of the 2nd Polish-Japanese Days on: Mathematical Aspects of Modelling Structure Formation Phenomena, Tokyo, 2001
- Zimniak Andrzej, Bakalarski Grzegorz Molecular properties of a bis(1,1-diphenylallenylidene)-octacarbonyltriiron complex obtained by symmetric cleavage from 1,1,6,6-tetraphenylhexapenttaene. Idealized symmetry studied in synperiplanar and synclinal conformers by X-ray diffraction, NMR a, JOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY, 2001, 634, s. 198-208
- Rudnicki Witold, Ginalski Krzysztof Simple model for ligand-macromolecule interactions, CELLULAR & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY LETTERS, 2001, 6, s. 540
- Liszewska Małgorzata, Jakubiak Bogumił Generation of precipitation patterns for hydrological applications 23rd EWGLAM / 8th SRNWP meeting, Kraków, 2001
- Plewczyński Dariusz, Hołyst Robert Approach to equilibrium of particles diffusing on curved surfaces, PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS, 2001, 295, s. 371-378
- Melonek Małgorzata Statistical improvements of the mesoscale model results by the MOS technique 23rd EWGLAM / 8th SRNWP meeting, Kraków, 2001
- Starosta Katarzyna Spatial and temporal distribution of verification errors in mesoscal model (UMPL) 23rd EWGLAM / 8th SRNWP meeting, Kraków, 2001
- Jakubiak Bogumił Experiments with Descent Algorithms for 3D-Var Observation Space Method 23rd EWGLAM / 8th SRNWP meeting, Kraków, 2001
- Wasiewicz P, Mulawka J, Rudnicki Witold, Lesyng Bogdan Arithmetic operations on DNA – subtraction 7th International Meeting on DNA Based Computers, Tampa, FL, USA, Univ. South Florida, 2001
- Lesyng Bogdan Poisson-Boltzmann and Quantum-Classical Studies of Enzymatic Reactions International Conference on Conformation of Peptides, Proteins and Nucleic Acids – Book of Abstracts, Uniwersytet Gdański, 2000, Gdańsk, Uniwersytet Gdański, 2000
- Kmieć Piotr, Nowiński Krzysztof, Rudnicki Witold, Lesyng Bogdan Specific Interactions Between DNA and Anthracyclic Antybiotics. Application of the New Finite Element Poisson-Boltzmann Method International Conference on Conformation of Peptides, Proteins and Nucleic Acids – Book of Abstracts, Gdańsk, Uniwersytet Gdański, 2000
- Antosiewicz Jan, Błachut-Okrasińska Elżbieta, Grycuk Tomasz, Lesyng Bogdan, Lesyng Bogdan A Correlation Between Protonation Equilibria in Biomolecular Systems and their Shapes: Studies using a Poisson-Boltzmann Model Free Boundary Problems. Theory and Applications, Tokyo, Japan, N. Kenmochi, 2000
- Lesyng Bogdan Fizyka i komputery u progu XXI wieku, Postępy Fizyki, 2000, 51, s. 12-17
- Dodziuk Helena, Lukin Oleg, Nowiński Krzysztof Molecular mechanics calculations of molecular and chiral recognition by cyclodextrins. Is it reliable? The selective complexation of decalins by beta-cyclodextrin, JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE-THEOCHEM, 2000, 503, s. 221-230
- Wojciechowski Michał, Grycuk Tomasz, Antosiewicz Jan, Lesyng Bogdan Theoretical Approach of Titration and pK Value Calculations of Phosphate Groups in Model Systems and Peptides International Conference on Conformation of Peptides, Proteins and Nucleic Acids – Book of Abstracts, Gdańsk, Uniwersytet Gdański, 2000
- Hollender Henryk Międzynarodowe Seminarium “Budynki bibliotek w zmieniajacym się środowisku” (Szanghaj, 15-19 sierpnia 1999 r.), Przegląd Biblioteczny, 2000, 67, s. 174-179
- Hollender Henryk Wiedza o książce w praktyce bibliotecznej. Artykuły, BIBLIOTEKARZ, 2000, s. 2-6
- Radomski Jan P., Słonimski Piotr P. A formal model of genomic {DNA} multiplication and amplification Comparative Genomics, Doordrecht/BostonŁondon, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000
- Wehr Jan, Schenkel Alain, Wittwer Peter Computer-assisted proofs for fixed point problems in Sobolev spaces, MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS ANALYSIS AND GEOMETRY, 2000, 6, s. 3-70
- Kozińska Dorota, Nowiński Krzysztof Alignment of Scalp Electrode Positions and MRI Data Sets. Weighted Geometrical Moments and Removing Outliers – Compensation of Incorrect Digitization of Head Surface Points Proceedings of World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Chicago, 2000
- Walczak Beata, Radomski Jan P. Wavelet Bases for IR Library Compression, Searching and Reconstruction Wavelets in Chemistry, Amsterdam, ELSEVIER, 2000
- Jakubiak Bogumił, Herman-Iżycki Leszek Some problems in data assimilation schemes Proceedings of the IV International Symposium on Military Meteorology “Hydro-Meteorological Support of Alied Forces and PfP Members Tasks Realization”, Malbork, 2000
- Zijl W, Trykozko Anna Flow system analysis and homogenization for aquifer protection, ACTA GEOLOGICA HUNGARICA, 2000, 43, s. 203-222
- Bogacewicz Roman, Trylska Joanna, Geller Maciej Ligand design package (LUDI – MSI) applied to known inhibitors of the HIV-1 protease. Test of performance, Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica – Drug Research, 2000, 57, s. 25-28
- Trylska Joanna, Grochowski Paweł, Bała Piotr, Geller Maciej Parametrization of an Approximate Valence Bond Method for MD/ AVB Simulations of the Reaction of HIV-1 Protease International Conference on Conformation of Peptides, Proteins and Nucleic Acids – Book of Abstracts, Gdańsk, Uniwersytet Gdański, 2000
- Trylska Joanna, Grochowski Paweł, Bała Piotr, Geller Maciej Parameterization of the Approximate Valence Bond Method for MD/ AVB Simulations of the Reaction Catalyzed by HIV-1 Protease Symulacje MD w Polsce, Gdańsk, Politechnika Gdańska, TASK, 2000
- Szafran M, Koput J, Dega-Szafran Z, Kwiatkowski Józef Molecular structure and vibrational spectrum of N-methylpyrrolidine betaine hydrogen chloride: experimental and DFT study, VIBRATIONAL SPECTROSCOPY, 2000, 23, s. 1-11
- Venkatraman V, Kwiatkowski Józef, Bakalarski Grzegorz, Leszczyński J Molecular structure and IR spectra of bromomethanes by DFT and post-Hartree-Fock MP2 and CCSD(T) calculations, Molecular Physics, 2000, 98, s. 371-386
- Kwiatkowski Józef, Leszczyński J Molecular Structure and Vibrational IR Spectra of Fluoro, Chloro and Bromosubstituted Methanes, Silanes and Germanes: Quantum-Mechanical Ab Initio Studies Computational Chemistry: Reviews of Current Trends, Singapore, J. Leszczyński), World Scientific Publishing Co., 2000
- Rudnicki Witold, Niezgódka Marek Phase transitions in cocoa butter Free boundary problems, theory and applications II, Tokio, Japonia, N. Kenmochi, , Gahkotosho, Tokyo, Japan, 2000
- Niezgódka Marek Dynamics of Diffusive Phase Transitions Driven by Coupled Mechanisms Lectures in Applied Mathematics, Bungartz Hans-Joachim, Hoppe Ronald H. W., Zenger Christoph , Berlin, Springer Verlag, 2000
- Grochowski Paweł, Trylska Joanna, Bała Piotr, Ginalski Krzysztof, Geller Maciej, Lesyng Bogdan Extended Parametrization and Applications of an Approximate Valence Bond Method Conference: Computational Biophysics 2000, Nice, 13-15 June 2000, Nicea, 2000
- Rudnicki Witold, Kurzepa M, Szczepanik T, Lesyng Bogdan, Lesyng Bogdan A simple model for predicting the free energy of binding between anthracycline antibiotics and DNA, Acta Biochimica Polonica, 2000, 47, s. 1-9
- Ginalski Krzysztof, Venclovas C, Lesyng Bogdan, Lesyng Bogdan, Fidelis Krzysztof Structure-based sequence alignment for the beta-trefoil subdomain of the clostridial neurotoxin family provides residue level information about the putative ganglioside binding site, FEBS Letters, 2000, 482, s. 119-124
- Ginalski Krzysztof, Venclovas C, Lesyng Bogdan, Lesyng Bogdan, Fidelis K Structure-based sequence alignment for the beta-trefoil subdomain of the clostridial neurotoxin family: implication for its putative ganglioside binding site International Conference on Conformation of Peptides, Proteins and Nucleic Acids, Debrzyno, 2000
- Hollender Henryk The sequencing of automation in Central and East European research libraries Library automation in transitional societies: lessons from Eastern Europe, New York, Oxford University Press, 2000
- Lesyng Bogdan, Lesyng Bogdan Rola modelowania w procesie poznawania i rozumienia struktury i dynamiki układów biomolekularnych Materiały zjazdowe: Jubileuszowy Zjazd Naukowy Polskiego Towarzystwa Chemicznego i Stowarzyszenia Inżynierów i Techników Przemysłu Chemicznego, Łódź, PTCH, 2000
- Mucha Piotr, Zajączkowski Wojciech On the existence for the Cauchy-Neumann problem for the Stokes system in the Lp-Framework, STUDIA MATHEMATICA, 2000, 143, s. 75-101
- Mucha Piotr, Zajączkowski Wojciech On local existence of solutions of free boundary problem for incompressible viscours self-gravitating fluid motion, Applicationes Mathematicae, 2000, 27, s. 319-333
- Dodziuk H, Łukin O, Nowiński Krzysztof Molecular mechanics calculations of molecular and chiral recognition by cyclodextrins. Is it reliable? The selective complexation of decalins by beta-cyclodextrin, JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE-THEOCHEM, 2000, 503, s. 221-230
- Radomski Jan P. Genetic Manipulation and the Populations Fate, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS C, 2000, 11, s. 1371-1381
- Radomski Jan P., Moss de Oliveira Susana Simulating the Mitochondrial DNA Bottleneck, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS C, 2000, 11, s. 1297-1304
- Jakubiak Bogumił, Niezgódka Marek, Nowiński Krzysztof Aggregation of Distributed Numerical Models for Limited-area Weather Forecasting ISThmus 2000 – Conference Proceedings: Research and Development for the Information Society, Poznań, 2000
- Kwiatkowski Józef, Majewska Joanna, Leszczyński Jerzy, Venkatraman Ramaiver Molecular Structure and Vibrational Raman and Infrared Spectra of Halogenosubstituted Phosphoryl and Thiophosphoryl Compounds: Quantum-mechanical DFT and post-Hartree-Fock MP2 calculations 9th Conference:Current Trends in Computational Chemistry , November 2000, Vicksburg, Mississipi, Vicksburg, Mississipi, 2000
- Hollender Henryk Wiedza o książce w praktyce bibliotecznej Wiedza o książce w nauce i dydaktyce: konferencja, Warszawa 16-17 listopada 1999 r., Warszawa, Centrum Ustawicznego Kształcenia Bibliotekarzy, 2000
- Bała Piotr, Clark T Pfortran and Co-Array Fortran as Tools for Parallelization of a Large-Scale Scientific Application Euro-Par 2000 Parallel Processing, Berlin, . A.Bode, T.Ludwig, W. Karl and R.Wismuller, Springer-Verlag, 2000
- Bała Piotr, Clark T, Scott L Application of Pfortran and Co-Array Fortran in the Parallelization of the GROMOS96 Molecular Dynamics Module SGI Users, Kraków, M.Bubak and J. Mościński and Marian Noga, 2000
- Hollender Henryk Kształcenie bibliotekarzy dla przyszłości Biblioteki łódzkie w okresie transformacji ustrojowej 1989-1999, Łódź, Stowarzyszenie Bibliotekarzy Polskich, 2000
- Hollender Henryk, Kobierska-Maciuszko Ewa Perception and the mood of change, LIBER QUARTERLY: THE JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN RESEARCH LIBRARIES, 2000, 10, s. 130-136
- Bala Piotr, Grochowski Paweł, Nowiński Krzysztof, Lesyng Bogdan, McCammon J Quantum-Dynamical Picture of a Multi-Step Enzymatic Process. Reaction Catalyzed by Phospholipase A2, BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 2000, 79, s. 1253-1262
- Rudnicki Witold, Bakalarski Grzegorz, Lesyng Bogdan A Mezoscopic Model of Nucleic Acids. Part 1. Lagrangian and Quaternion Molecular Dynamics, JOURNAL OF BIOMOLECULAR STRUCTURE & DYNAMICS, 2000, 17, s. 1097-1108
- Maciejczyk Maciej, Rudnicki Witold, Lesyng Bogdan A Mezoscopic Model of Nucleic Acids. Part 2. An Effective Potential Energy Function for DNA, JOURNAL OF BIOMOLECULAR STRUCTURE & DYNAMICS, 2000, 17, s. 1109-1115
- Rudnicki Witold, Maciejczyk Maciej, Bakalarski Grzegorz, Lesyng Bogdan Lagrangian and Quaternion Molecular Dynamics (LQMD). Model and Applications for Nucleic Acids. Conference: Computational Biophysics 2000, Nice, 13-15 June 2000, Nicea, 2000
- Rudnicki Witold, Bakalarski Grzegorz, Lesyng Bogdan Lagrangian and quaternion dynamics of nucleic acids, JOURNAL OF BIOMOLECULAR STRUCTURE & DYNAMICS, 1999, 16, s. 1273-1274
- Rudnicki Witold, Bakalarski Grzegorz, Lesyng Bogdan Towards Long-Time Simulations of Biomolecular Systems. Lagrangian and Quaternion Molecular Dynamics Modelling and Simulation: A Tool for the Next Millenium, ., Society for Computer Simulation International, 1999
- Trylska Joanna, Antosiewicz Jan, Geller Maciej, Hodge C, Klabe Ronald, Head Martha, Gilson Michael Thermodynamic linkage between the binding of protons and inhibitors to HIV-1 protease, PROTEIN SCIENCE, 1999, 8, s. 180-195
- Rudnicki Witold, Kurzepa M, Szczepanik T, Priebe W, Lesyng Bogdan Simulation studies of DNA-Anthracyclic Antibiotics Interactions Abstract Book of 7th International Symposium on Molecular Aspects of Chemotherapy, Gdańsk 8-11.09.1999, Gdańsk, ., 1999
- Rudnicki Witold, Kurzepa M, Szczepanik M, Priebe W, Lesyng Bogdan A simple model for prediction of the binding free energy between anthracyclic antibiotics and DNA 5th International Conference Computers in Chemistry, Szklarska Poręba, ., 1999
- Ginalski Krzysztof, Wojciechowski Michał, Lesyng Bogdan, Lesyng Bogdan Modelling of insulin receptor tyrosine kinase in its active form: a case study for validation of theoretical methods, Acta Biochimica Polonica, 1999, 46, s. 601-607
- Błachut-Okrasińska Elżbieta, Lesyng Bogdan, Lesyng Bogdan, Briggs J, McCammon J, Antosiewicz Jan Poisson-Boltzmann model studies of molecular electrostatic properties of the cAMP-dependent protein kinase, EUROPEAN BIOPHYSICS JOURNAL WITH BIOPHYSICS LETTERS, 1999, 28, s. 457-467
- Grochowski Paweł, Lesyng Bogdan, Bala Piotr Biblioteki wirtualne. Fikcja czy rzeczywistość następnego stulecia INFOBAZY, Gdańsk, 1999
- Badełek Barbara, Kiryluk Joanna, Kurek Krzysztof, Nassalski Jan, Sandacz Andrzej, Szleper Michał, Tłaczała W, Wiślicki Wojciech, Zaremba M A large Streamer Chamber muon tracking detector in a high-flux fixed-target application, NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT, 1999, 435, s. 354-374
- Antosiewicz Jan, Błachut-Okrasińska Elżbieta, Grycuk Tomasz, Briggs James, Włodek Stanisław, Lesyng Bogdan, Lesyng Bogdan, McCammon J Prediction of pKas of titratable residues in proteins using a Poisson-Boltzmann model of the solute-solvent system Computational molecular dynamics: challenges, methods, ideas, Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 1999
- Ginalski Krzysztof, Wojciechowski Michał, Lesyng Bogdan Modelling 3D Protein Structures. IRK Kinase, a Case Study for Validation of Theoretical Methods Modelling and Simulation: A Tool for the Next Millenium. 13th European Simulation Multiconference, June 1-4, 1999, Warsaw, Poland, Berlin, Society for Computer Simulation International, 1999
- Jakubiak Bogumił Regionalne Modele Klimatu Zmiany i zmienność klimatu Polski.Ich wpływ na gospodarkę, ekosystemy i człowieka – ogólnopolska konferencja naukowa. Łódź, 4-6 listopada 1999, Łódź, 1999
- Hollender Henryk Biblioteka a środowisko naukowe uczelni: pola konfliktu i współpracy Biblioteka i informacja w systemie edukacji: materiały konferencji naukowej, Kielce, 3-4 grudnia 1998 r., Kielce, Wyższa Szkoła Pedagogiczna, 1999
- Hollender Henryk Klasyfikacja, wolny dostęp i aktiv-piana, BIBLIOTEKARZ, 1999, s. 14-16
- Wojciechowski Michał, Grycuk Tomasz, Antosiewicz Jan, Lesyng Bogdan Modelling Electrostatic and Titration Properties of Phosphates in Model Systems 5th International Conference: Computers in Chemistry, Szklarska Poręba, ., 1999
- Wojciechowski Michał, Grycuk Tomasz, Antosiewicz Jan, Lesyng Bogdan Electrostatic and Titration Properties of Phosphorylated Model Compounds and Peptides, JOURNAL OF BIOSCIENCES, 1999, 24, s. 58
- Trylska Joanna, Grochowski Paweł, Geller Maciej, Geller Maciej Parameterization of an approximate valence bond (AVB) method to describe potential energy surface in the reaction catalysed by HIV-1 protease Vth International Conference Computers in Chemistry. Proceedings. 1-6.07.1999 Szklarska Poręba, Szklarska Poręba, 1999
- Radomski Jan P., Słonimski Piotr P. Striking properties of duplicating DNA molecules. A Markov chain model demonstrates the convergence of amplified molecules to regular series of multiple of 2, LIFE SCIENCES, 1999, 322, s. 455-459
- Trylska Joanna, Grochowski Paweł, Geller Maciej Parametrization of an Approximate Valence Bond (AVB) Method to Describe Potential Energy Surface in the Reaction Catalysed by HIV-1 Protease, JOURNAL OF BIOSCIENCES, 1999, 24, s. 48
- Sonechkin D, Jakubiak Bogumił, Astafyeva A, Datasenko N, Ivatchenko N Multiscale oscillations of the global climate system as revealed by wavelet transform of observational data time series, THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY, 1999, 64, s. 131-142
- Hollender Henryk Raj wśród książek, Wiedza i Życie, 1999, s. 52-55
- Hollender Henryk World Wide Lib?: o konsorcjach bibliotecznych teraz i w przyszłości: elektroniczne rozpowszechnianie informacji naukowej: konferencja międzynarodowa, Akademia Medyczna, Łódź, 22-23 VI 1998 r., BIULETYN GŁÓWNEJ BIBLIOTEKI LEKARSKIEJ, 1999, 45, s. 29-38
- Hollender Henryk Dlaczego “widelec”?: przyczynek do dziejów komputeryzacji w Polsce, NOTES WYDAWNICZY, 1999, s. 52-55
- Geller Maciej, Lesyng Bogdan Przegląd badań układów biomolekularnych prowadzonych w ICM Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego I Krajowy Kongres Biotechnologii, Wrocław, ., 1999
- Bala Piotr, Geller Maciej, Ginalski Krzysztof, Grochowski Paweł, Trylska Joanna, Lesyng Bogdan Approximate Valence Bond Method – A Fast Generator of Quantum Potentials for Molecular Simulations Modelling and Simulation: A Tool for the Next Millenium, 13th European Simulation Multiconference, June 1-4, 1999, Warsaw, Poland, ., Society for Computer Simulation International, 1999
- Lesyng Bogdan, Lesyng Bogdan Simulations of Biomolecular Systems and Processes: Perspectives and Limitations Modelling and Simulation: A Tool for the Next Millenium, 13th European Simulation Multiconference, June 1-4, 1999, Warsaw, ., Society for Computer Simulation International, 1999
- Gokieli Maria Different approaches to modelling structure formation Mathematical Sciences and Applications, Tokyo, N. Kenmochi, Gahkotosho, 1999
- Łapiński L, Nowak M, Kwiatkowski Józef, Leszczyński J Phototautomeric Reaction, Tautomerism, and Infrared Spectra of 6-Thiopurine. Experimental Matrix Isolation and Quantum-Mechanical (Conventional ab Initio and Density-Functional Theory) Studies, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 1999, 103, s. 280-288
- Dodziuk H, Łukin O, Nowiński Krzysztof Topological “In-Out” Isomerism in Perhydrogenated Fullerenes Revisited. C60H58R1R2 with Two Groups “In” (R1, R2 = H, Me), Polish Journal of Chemistry, 1999, 73, s. 299-306
- Jakubiak Bogumił Main features of global climate numerical models and the impact of predicted climate changes for agriculture and forestry, Geographia Polonica, 1999, 72, s. 15-24
- Kozińska Dorota, Nowiński Krzysztof A new method for automatic alignment of EEG and MRI data sets 5th Conference of the European Society for Engineering and Medicine, Barcelona, ., 1999
- Kozińska Dorota, Nowiński Krzysztof Automatic alignment of scalp electrode position with MRI head volume and its evaluation Proceedings of the First Joint IEEE BMES/ EMBS Conference, ., IEEE, 1999
- Zimniak Andrzej, Bakalarski Grzegorz Theoretical DFT and experimental X-ray and NMR studies of bis-ketoiminato and bis-allenylidene carbonyliron complexes International Conference on Progress in Computing of Physicochemical Properties, Warszawa, Institute of Physical Chemistry PAS, 1999
- Kalas M, Jakubiak Bogumił Assesment of numerical wind forecasts for the Gdansk Bay area during the POLRODEX, BULLETIN OF MARITIME INSTITUTE IN GDAŃSK, 1999, s. 13-25
- Bała Piotr, Clark T Experience with Co-Array Fortran and Pfortran as Tools for Parallelization of a Large-Scale Scientific Application Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, Częstochowa, R. Wyrzykowski, B. Mochnacki, H. Piech, and J. Szopa, 1999
- Maciejczyk Maciej, Rudnicki Witold, Lesyng Bogdan An Effective Potential for a Mezoscopic Model of DNA, JOURNAL OF BIOMOLECULAR STRUCTURE & DYNAMICS, 1999, 16, s. 1341
- Jakubiak Bogumił, Melonek Małgorzata Assimilation of the Wind Data from Different Sources, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH ABSTRACTS, 1999, 1, s. 428
- Ginalski Krzysztof, Grochowski Paweł, Lesyng Bogdan DFT-Based Parametrization of an Approximate Valence Bond (AVB) Method for QCMD/ AVB Simulations of the Transphosphorylation Process Catalyzed by PKA, JOURNAL OF BIOSCIENCES, 1999, 24, s. 49
- Lesyng Bogdan New Developments in Quantum Dynamics of Proton Transfer Processes 13th International Conference on Horizons in Hydrogen Bond Research, Świeradów Zdrój, 2-9.09.1999, ., ., 1999
- Bala Piotr, Grochowski Paweł, Nowiński Krzysztof, Lesyng Bogdan Recent Developments in QCMD/ AVB and MD/ AVB as a Tool for Studying Proton Transfer Processes in Enzymatic Reactions 13th International Conference – Workshop: Horizons in Hydrogen Bond Research, September 2-9, 1999, wieradów Zdrój, ., ., 1999
- Ginalski Krzysztof, Grochowski Paweł, Lesyng Bogdan DFT-Based Parametrization of an Approximate Valence Bond (AVB) Method for Transphosphorylation Processes 5th International Conference: Computers in Chemistry, Szklarska Poręba, ., 1999
- Bala Piotr, Grochowski Paweł, Nowiński Krzysztof, Lesyng Bogdan QCMD/ AVB and MD/ AVB Models – Tools for studying enzymatic reactions 5th International Conference: Computers in Chemistry, Szklarska Poręba, ., 1999
- Lesyng Bogdan Theoretical Studies of Biomolecular Systems with Microscopic and Mesoscopic Models %th International Conference: Computers in Chemistry, ., ., 1999
- Antosiewicz Jan, Błachut-Okrasińska Elżbieta, Lesyng Bogdan, Lesyng Bogdan, Briggs J, McCammon J Protonation Equilibria of Residues in Protein Kinases and Phosphatases. Poisson-Boltzmann Model Studies, CELLULAR & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY LETTERS, 1998, 3, s. 273-274
- Hollender Henryk, Kobierska-Maciuszko Ewa Nowy gmach Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Warszawie: koncepcja funkcjonalna i estetyczna, Rocznik Biblioteki Narodowej, 1998, 32, s. 195-214
- Kwiatkowski Józef Struktura cząsteczek i ich widma IR: Doświadczenie a teoria XLI Zjazd Naukowy PTCh i SITPC. Wrocław-Polanica Zdrój 1998, Wrocław, 1998
- Antosiewicz Jan, Błachut-Okrasińska Elżbieta, Lesyng Bogdan, Briggs J, McCammon J Correlations Between Protonation Equilibria and Conformational Changes. Protein Kinases – A Case Study Molecular Structure and Dynamics in Biology, Elba, Italy, 1998
- Brzeski Jerzy, Grycuk Tomasz, Lipkowski A, Rudnicki Witold, Lesyng Bogdan, Lesyng Bogdan, Jerzmanowski Andrzej Binding of SPXK- and APXK-peptide motifs to AT-rich DNA. Experimental and theoretical studies, Acta Biochimica Polonica, 1998, 45, s. 221-231
- Starosta Katarzyna, Jakubiak Bogumił Synoptyczna ocena prognoz mgieł przy pomocy mezoskalowego modelu numerycznych prognoz pogody, WIADOMOŚCI INSTYTUTU METEOROLOGII I GOSPODARKI WODNEJ, 1998, 21, s. 15-40
- Hollender Henryk Po co bibliotekarzowi wiedza o nauce i literaturze niebeletrystycznej, Poradnik Bibliotekarza, 1998, 9, s. 2-7
- Trylska Joanna, Grochowski Paweł, Bała Piotr, Geller Maciej Density Functional Based Parametrization of an Approximate Valence Bond Method for QCMD/ AVB Simulations of Enzymatic Reaction of HIV-1 Protease Molecular Structure and Dynamics in Biology, Elba, Italy, 1998
- Bala Piotr, Grochowski Paweł, Lesyng Bogdan, Lesyng Bogdan, McCammon J Quantum-Classical Molecular Dynamics. Models and Biological Applications Molecular Structure and Dynamics in Biology, Elba, Italy, 1998
- Bakalarski Grzegorz, Lesyng Bogdan, Lesyng Bogdan Theoretical density functional studies of tautomeric and conformational forms of N-4-hydroxycytosine and its 5-fluoro and 5-methyl derivatives, Polish Journal of Chemistry, 1998, 72, s. 1792-1797
- Tachikawa H, Palasek M, Huang J, Leszczyński J, Salahudeen A, Kwiatkowski Józef Initiation Reactions of Lipid Peroxidation: A Raman Spectroscopic and Quantum-Mechanical Study, APPLIED SPECTROSCOPY, 1998, 52, s. 1479-1482
- Jakubiak Bogumił Physical principles of climate mathematical modelling, Geographia Polonica, 1998, 71, s. 7-18
- Dodziuk H, Nowiński Krzysztof Topological Isomerism: Should Rotaxanes, Endohedral Fullerene Complexes and In-Out Isomers of Hydrogenated Fullerenes Be Considered as Such?, Tetrahedron, 1998, 54, s. 2917-2930
- Kwiatkowski Józef Molecular Structure and IR Spectra of the Nucleic Acid Bases and Their Model Systems: Experiment and Theory Molecular Structure and Dynamics in Biology, Elba, Italy, 1998
- Skowronek M, Stopa B, Konieczny L, Rybarska J, Piekarska B, Szneler E, Bakalarski Grzegorz Self-assembly of Congo Red – A theoretical and experimental approach to identify its supramolecular organization in water and salt solutions, BIOPOLYMERS, 1998, 46, s. 267-281
- Bała Piotr, Matulewski J, Raczyński A, Zaremba J Photonization by pulses with a modulated frequency, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 1998, 57, s. 4561-4571
- Roterman I, Rybarska J, Konieczny L, Skowronek M, Stopa B, Piekarska B, Bakalarski Grzegorz Congo red bound to alpha-1-proteinase inhibitor as a model of supramolecular ligand and protein complex, Computers and Chemistry, 1998, 22, s. 61-70
- Szczepaniak K, Person W, Leszczyński J, Kwiatkowski Józef Matrix Isolation and DFT Quantum Mechanical Studies of Vibrational Spectra of Uracil and Its Methylated Derivatives, Polish Journal of Chemistry, 1998, 78, s. 402-420
- Fedorowicz A, Mavri J, Bała Piotr, Koll A Molecular Dynamics Study of Tautomeric Equilibrium in the Mannich Base, CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 1998, 289, s. 459-462
- Lapiński L, Nowak M, Kołos R, Kwiatkowski Józef, Leszczyński J Spectroscopic identification of 2,4-pyrimidinedithiol; an experimantal matrix isolation and ab initio Hartree-Fock and density functional theory study, SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART A-MOLECULAR AND BIOMOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY, 1998, 54, s. 685-693
- Melonek Małgorzata, Jakubiak Bogumił Implementation of the MOS technique for improvement of mesoscale forecasts, ANNALES GEOPHYSICAE, 1998, 16, s. 791
- Wierzbicki Adam A distributed WWW cache, Computer Networks, 1998, 30, s. 2261-2267
- Kozińska Dorota, Tarnecki R, Nowiński Krzysztof Presentation of Brain Electrical Activity Distribution on its Cortex Surface Derived from MR Images, Technology and Health Care, 1998, 6, s. 209-224
- Kurcewicz Michał, Sylwestrzak Wojtek, Wierzbicki Adam A filtering algorithm for Web caches, Computer Networks, 1998, 30, s. 2203-2209
- Kwiatkowski Józef, Leszczyński J, Venkatraman R Molecular Structure and Vibrational Spectra of Linear XYZ (Y=C, Si, Ge; X,Z=O, S, Se) Molecules: DFT and Post Hartree-Fock Calculations Conference Materials: 7th Conference on Current Trends in Computational Chemistry, Vicksburg, Missisippi, USA, Jackson State University, 1998
- Jakubiak Bogumił, Herman-Iżycki Leszek, Wąsowski Adam Humidity assimilation into the mesoscale model Proceedings of the Second Study Conference on BALTEX, 25-29 May 1998, ., 1998
- Jakubiak Bogumił, Wąsowski Adam Three-dimensional variational data assimilation scheme used by the Unified Model for Poland (UMPL) Proceedings of the III Symposium on Military Meteorology, Warszawa, 1998
- Niezgódka Marek, Jakubiak Bogumił Numerical weather prediction system: scientific and operational aspects Proceedings of the III Symposium on Military Meteorology, Warszawa, 1998
- Bala Piotr, Clark T, Grochowski Paweł, Nowiński Krzysztof, Lesyng Bogdan, McCammon J Advanced Calculations and Visualisation of Enzymatic Reactions Using a Combined Quantum Classical Molecular Dynamics, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1998, s. 20-26
- Bala Piotr, Clark T, Grochowski Paweł, Lesyng Bogdan, McCammon J Recent Advances in Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing Interface Parallel Version of the Combined Quantum Classical Molecular Dynamics Code for Complex Molecular and Biomolecular Systems, Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 1997
- Trylska Joanna, Antosiewicz Jan, Geller Maciej, Gilson Michael K. Binding of Protons in the Active Site of HIV-1 Protease Molecular Aspects of Chemotheraphy – Abstract Book, Gdansk, Poland, Technical University of Gdansk, 1997
- Bala Piotr, Clark T, Grochowski Paweł, Lesyng Bogdan, McCammon J Parallel Version of a Quantum-Classical Molecular Dynamics Code for Complex Molecular and Biomolecular systems Recent Advances in Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing Interface. 4th European PVM/MPI Users’ Group Meeting Cracow, Poland, November 3–5, 1997 Proceedings, Springer, 1997
- Ginalski Krzysztof, Lesyng Bogdan, Lesyng Bogdan, Sowadski Janusz, Wojciechowski Michał Modelling of Active Forms of Protein Kinases:p38-a Case Study, Acta Biochimica Polonica, 1997, 44, s. 557-564
- Geller Maciej, Trylska Joanna, Antosiewicz Jan HIV-1 Protease and its Inhibitors Theoretical and Computational Methods in Genome Research, New York, Suhai Plenum Press, 1997
- Trylska Joanna, Antosiewicz Jan, Geller Maciej, Gilson Michael K. Równowagi protonacyjne w centrum aktywnym HIV-1 proteazy Konferencja Fizyki Komputerowej, Kraków, Instytut Fizyki Jadrowej, 1997
- Kozińska Dorota, Tarnecki R, Nowiński Krzysztof Integration and imaging of electrophysiological and MRI data sets X Conference of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, Warszawa, 1997
- Rudnicki Witold, Pettitt B Modeling the DNA-Solvent Interface, BIOPOLYMERS, 1997, 41, s. 2
- Kozińska Dorota, Tarnecki P, Nowiński Krzysztof Mapping SEP to MRI for the Assessment of Parkinson, MEDICAL & BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING & COMPUTING, 1997, 35, s. 2
- Kozińska Dorota, Tretiak O, Nissanov J, Oztruk C Multidimensional Alignment Using the Euclidean Distance Transform, GRAPHICAL MODELS, 1997, 59, s. 373-387
- Kozińska Dorota, Nowiński Krzysztof, Kołodziejak A, Tarnecki R Integration of EEG and MRI data of individual brain, TASK Quarterly : scientific bulletin of Academic Computer Centre in Gdansk, 1997, 2, s. 176-192
- Gilson Michael K., Antosiewicz Jan, Trylska Joanna, Hodge C, Klabe Ronald Binding of protons and cyclic urea inhibitors HIV-1 protease, ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 1997, 214, s. 189
- Jakubiak Bogumił Simulation of the frontal system evolution by NWP model Proceedings of the INM/WMO International Symposium on Cyclones and Hazardous Weather in Mediterranean, Palma de Mollorca, 1997
- Bała Piotr The dynamics of the hot electrons in ZnSe-ZnTe double barrier heterostructures, ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A, 1997, 92, s. 109-114
- Bała Piotr, Grochowski Paweł, Lesyng Bogdan, McCammon J.A. Quantum Classical Molecular Dynamics simulation. Studies of the enzymatic reactions of phospholipid hydrolysis., KWARTALNIK NAUK O PRZEDSIĘBIORSTWIE, 1997, 2, s. 18-21
- Kozińska Dorota, Tarnecki R, Nowiński Krzysztof Imaging brain electrical activity superimposed on its surface computed from MRI for studying propagation and generation of cortical potentials 4th Conference of the European Society for Engineering and Medicine, Warszawa, 1997
- Rudnicki Witold, Lesyng Bogdan Conformational correlations in DNA. Molecular dynamics studies, Molecular Simulation, 1997, 19, s. 247-266
- Trylska Joanna, Antosiewicz Jan, Geller Maciej Calculations of Protonation Equilibria for Native and Complexed Forms of HIV-1 Protease Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology, XII International Biophysics Congress, Amsterdam, Elsevier Science, 1996
- Trylska Joanna, Antosiewicz Jan, Geller Maciej, Geller Maciej Calculations of protonation equilibria for native and complexed forms of HIV-1 protease, Progress in Biophysics & Molecular Biology, 1996, 65, s. 66
- Bala Piotr, Grochowski Paweł, Lesyng Bogdan, McCammon J Dynamics Simulations of Proton Transfer Process in Molecular Complexes and in Enzymes, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B, 1996, 100, s. 2535-2545
- Rudnicki Witold, Bakalarski Grzegorz, Lesyng Bogdan Lagrangian and quaterion dynamics (LQMD) of nucleic acid, Progress in Biophysics & Molecular Biology, 1996, 65, s. 76-78
- Dodziuk Helena, Nowiński Krzysztof ‘Horror vacui’ or toipological in-out isomerism in perhydrogenated fullerenes:C60H60 and monoalkylated perhydrogenated fullerenes, CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 1996, 249, s. 406-412
- Kenmochi Nobuyuki, Niezgódka Marek Viscosity approach to modelling non-isothermal diffusive phase separation, JAPAN JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS, 1996, 13, s. 135-169
- Kozińska Dorota, Nissanov J, Tretiak O, Ozturk C Surface Guided Reconstruction of 3D Volume from Histological Material 26th Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Washington DC, 1996
- Bakalarski Grzegorz, Grochowski Paweł, Kwiatkowski Józef, Lesyng Bogdan, Lesyng Bogdan, Leszczyński J Molecular and Electrostatic Properties of the N-methylated Nucleic Acid Bases by Density Functional Theory, Chemical Physics, 1996, 204, s. 301-311
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- Radomski Jan P. Molecular Design of Fluorine-Containing Peptide Mimetics Biomedical Frontiers of Fluorine Chemistry, ., American Chemical Society, 1996
- Bała Piotr, Grochowski Paweł, Lesyng Bogdan, McCammon J Quantum-Classical Molecular Dynamics (QCMD) of Enzymatic Process, Progress in Biophysics & Molecular Biology, 1996, 65, s. 46-48
- Nissanov J, Kozińska Dorota, Gustafson C, Tretiak O Construction of 42 micron 3D rat brain atlas from Nissl stained sectional material 26th Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Washington DC, 1996
- Grochowski Paweł, Lesyng Bogdan, Bala Piotr, McCammon J Density Functional based parametrization of a Valence Bond Method and its Applications in Quantum-Classical Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Enzymatic Reactions, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 1996, 60, s. 1134-1164
- Lesyng Bogdan Structure and dynamics of biomolecular systems Free boundary problems, theory and applications, Londyn, Longman, 1996
- Bała Piotr, Grochowski Paweł, Lesyng Bogdan, McCammon J Quantum Mechanical Simulation Methods for Studying Biological System Quantum-Classical Molecular Dynamics. Models and Applications, Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 1995
- Kantiem Kerstin, Zajączkowski W The Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions of Equations for IdealCompressible Polytropic Fluids, Journal of Applied Analysis, 1995, 1, s. 47-69
- Nissanov J, Ozturk C, Kozińska Dorota Mapping the surface of intact frozen brains using a structured light based 3D scanner 25th Neuroscience Annual Meeting, San Diego, 1995
- Kenmochi Nobuyuki, Niezgódka Marek, Pawłow Irena Subdifferential operator approach to the Cahn-Hilliard equation with constraint, JOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS, 1995, 117, s. 320-356
- Kenmochi Nobuyuki, Niezgódka Marek, Zheng Songmu Global attractor of a non-isothermal model for phase separation Proceedings of the international conference on curvature flows and related topics held in Levico, Italy, June 27-July 2nd, 1994, Tokyo: Gakkotosho, Damlamian, Alain (ed.), GAKUTO Int. Ser., 1995
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- Nissanov J, Oztruk C, Kozińska Dorota Brain surface scanning using structured light SPIE, Videometrics, Philadelphia, 1995
- Rudnicki Witold, Lesyng Bogdan, Lesyng Bogdan Applicability of commonly used atom-atom type potential energy functions in a structural analysis of nucleic acids. Role of electrostatic interactions, Computers and Chemistry, 1995, 19, s. 253-258
- Bała Piotr, Grochowski Paweł, Lesyng Bogdan, Lesyng Bogdan, McCammon J Quantum-Classical Molecular Dynamics and Its Computer Implementation, Computers and Chemistry, 1995, 19, s. 155-160
- Bała Piotr, Lesyng Bogdan, McCammon J Application of Quantum-Classical and Quantum-Stochastic Molecular Dynamics Simulations for Proton Transfer Processes, Chemical Physics, 1994, 180, s. 271-285
- Kantiem Kerstin Numerical Investigation of the Two-dimensionalShock Wave Reflection, ARCHIVES OF MECHANICS, 1994, 46, s. 639-651
- Kenmochi N, Niezgódka Marek Systems of nonlinear parabolic equations for phase change problems., Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications, 1994, 3, s. 89-117
- Nowiński Krzysztof, Rybka K Molecular Mechanics of Arabinoxylan Oligomers, Acta Biochimica Polonica, 1994, 41, s. 216-217
- Dodziuk H, Nowiński Krzysztof In Quest for Planar and Pyramidal Carbon Atom. Part 2. AM1 Study of Small Bridged Spiropentanes, JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE-THEOCHEM, 1994, 311, s. 97-100
- Radomski Jan P. Neural Network-Based Recognition of Oligosaccharide 1H-NMR Spectra, NATURE STRUCTURAL & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, 1994, 4, s. 217
- Kozińska Dorota, Tarnecki R 3D imaging of brain lesions World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Rio de Janeiro, 1994
- Gutry-Korycka Małgorzata, Werner Piotr, Jakubiak Bogumił Generation of time series of the meteorological values in changing climate conditions, Geographia Polonica, 1994, 62, s. 66-71
- Rudnicki Witold, Lesyng Bogdan, McCammon J Lagrangian Molecular Dynamics Using Selected Conformational Degrees of Freedom, with Application to the Pseudorotation Dynamics of Furanose Rings, BIOPOLYMERS, 1994, 34, s. 383-392
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- Kozińska Dorota, Tarnecki R Three-dimensional visualization of brain structures NIH & ICB Workshop on selected topics of biomedical engineering: Image processing in medicine and biology, Warszawa, 1993
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