HPC infrastructure for researchers

Remote workstation, time savings, professional technical support, trainings


Research on zoonoses, Epidemiological Model for Poland,
Ineractive Pandemic Map


Watch recordings of the Virtual ICM Seminars in Computer and Computational Science


  • How to untangle a “haystack”?

    How to untangle a “haystack”?

    An article by Dr. Miron Kursa from ICM UW titled "Vistla: identifying influence paths with information theory" has been published in Bioinformatics. It describes the Vistla algorithm, which is used for analyzing data from observations of complex systems, particularly those found in living organisms, studied through high-throughput molecular methods.
  • MOSAIC Project Meeting in Warsaw

    MOSAIC Project Meeting in Warsaw

    In mid-December, series of meetings for the MOSAIC project were held in Warsaw, bringing together three project partners: the African Conservation Centre (ACC), the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), and the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling at the University of Warsaw (ICM UW). The project, titled “Multi-site application of Open Science in the creAtion of healthy environments Involving local Communities (MOSAIC),” involves a total of 15 …
  • SCinet 2024 Gold Contributor

    SCinet 2024 Gold Contributor

    For several years, ICM University of Warsaw has been actively involved in the construction and operation of the network at the most significant annual event in high-performance computing (HPC). This year, the November conference “The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis” (SC24) took place in Atlanta.
  • ICM UW Implements Project within the Governmental Strategic Program Hydrostrateg

    ICM UW Implements Project within the Governmental Strategic Program Hydrostrateg

    ICM (Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling) has received funding from Poland's National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR) for the project titled "System for Optimization of Current Operations of Combined Sewer and Stormwater Networks for Extreme Events (SOBEK)."
  • A New Perspective on Memory Mechanisms

    A New Perspective on Memory Mechanisms

    A paper titled "Spatio-temporal mechanisms of consolidation, recall and reconsolidation in reward-related memory trace" by researchers from the Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology, Polish Academy of Sciences (IBD PAN), and the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling, University of Warsaw (ICM UW), has been published in the prestigious journal "Molecular Psychiatry." The scientists discovered how the brain organizes and consolidates reward-related memories. The results have practical significance for addiction …
  • The National Cloud Infrastructure for Open Science is Being Established

    The National Cloud Infrastructure for Open Science is Being Established

    ICM UW, together with ACK Cyfronet AGH and WASKO S.A., will build a cloud infrastructure that will enable the implementation of R&D work conducted according to the Open Science paradigm. The infrastructure will be developed as part of the project "National Cloud Infrastructure PLGrid for EOSC - PLGrid ICON" funded by the National Recovery Plan. A significant part of the investment will be the purchase of new cloud clusters, which …
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ML Workshop: Physics-Informed Neural Networks and Neural Operators

4EU+ Flagship 3: Digitisation, Modelling, Transformation [1:15 ICM Meteo]

GISCOVID-19 System

Poland.Expo.2020.Dubai - ICM University of Warsaw

Forecasting the COVID 19 epidemic spread in Poland and on regional scales...

Advancing research at ICM

SCFE21 | Addison Snell "Roundtable pannel on Industry trends for HPC and AI"

SCFE21 | Roberto Car "Machine Learning Based Ab-initio Molecular Dynamics"

SCFE21 | Hiroaki Kitano Nobel Turing Challenge – Creating the Engine of Scientific Discovery

Supercomputing Frontiers Europe 2021 | Call for Participation

EmTech Asia | Marek Michalewicz "InfiniCortex: A Supercomputer that encompasses the world"

Aneta Afelt "Facing epidemiological risk in the age of Anthropocene"

David Winkler "Computational insights into the origin of SARS-CoV-2 and repurposing of drugs for COVID-19"

Valerie E. Polichar "Creating a Technology Vision: Planning for the Next Generation of Research Support"

Stephen Wolfram "Emerging Surprises in Applying the Computational Paradigm (and the Deep Relations between Physics, Distributed Computing and AI)"

SC20 | Piotr Bala "A Masters Degree Course in Computational Engineering at ICM"

Dr. Marek Michalewicz at the World Artificial Intelligence Conference (WAIC 2019)

ICM Technology Center

Air Transport Connectivity (ICAO i ICM UW)

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ICM in the media

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