- Jungiewicz Michał, Łopuszyński Michał Unsupervised Keyword Extraction from Polish Legal TextsPrzepiórkowski Adam, Ogrodniczuk Maciej Advances in Natural Language Processing, Switzerland, Springer International Publishing, 2014
- Schuller Bernd, Rybicki Jedrzej, Benedyczak Krzysztof Perspectives for RESTful Services in the UNICORE Services Environment UNICORE Summit 2014 Proceedings, Huber Valentina, Muller-Pfefferkorn Ralph, Romberg Mathilde , Jülich, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, 2014
- Benedyczak Krzysztof, Bała Piotr, Borcz Marcelina Maria, Huber Valentina, Kluszczyński Rafał, Petrova Mariya, Schuller Bernd Fostering the adoption of UNICORE Portal UNICORE Summit 2014 Proceedings, Huber Valentina, Muller-Pfefferkorn Ralph, Romberg Mathilde , Jülich, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, 2014
- Kluszczyński Rafał, Stolarek Marcin, Marczak Grzegorz, Górski Łukasz, Nowicki Marek, Bała Piotr Development of parallel codes using PL-Grid infrastructure CGW’14 Proceedings, Bubak Marian, Turała Michał, Wiatr Kazimierz , Kraków, ACK Cyfronet AGH, 2014
- Borcz Marcelina Maria, Kluszczyński Rafał, Marczak Grzegorz, Benedyczak Krzysztof, Bała Piotr Grid services for genomic research. Polish national grid perspective High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS), 2014 International Conference on, Smari W.W, Zelijkovic V. , Bologna, Italy, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2014
- Bartkiewicz Dominik, Benedyczak Krzysztof, Kluszczyński Rafał, Stolarek Marcin, Rękawek Tomasz Integrating Slurm Batch System with European and Polish Grid Infrastructures eScience on Distributed Computing Infrastructure. Achievements of PLGrid Plus Domain-Specific Services and Tools, Bubak Marian, Kitowski Jacek, Wiatr Kazimierz , Szwajcaria, Springer International Publishing, 2014
- Saha Indra, Klingström Tomas, Forsberg Simon, Wikander Johan, Zubek Julian, Kierczak Marcin, Plewczyński Dariusz Erratum: Evaluation of Machine Learning Algorithms on Protein-Protein Interactions Man-Machine Interactions 3, Gruca Aleksandra, Czachórski Tadeusz, Kozielski Stanisław , Switzerland, Springer, 2014
- Saha Indrajit, Klingstrom Tomas, Forsberg Simon, Wikander Johan, Zubek Julian, Kierczak Marcin, Plewczyński Dariusz Evaluation of Machine Learning Algorithms on Protein-Protein Interactions Man-Machine Interactions 3, Gruca Aleksandra, Czachórski Tadeusz, Kozielski Stanisław , Switzerland, Springer, 2014
- Nowicki Marek, Górski Łukasz, Grabarczyk Patryk, Bała Piotr PCJ – Java library for high performance computing in PGAS model High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS), 2014 International Conference on, Smari W.W, Zelijkovic V. , Bologna, Italy, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2014
- Zyglarski Błażej, Bała Piotr, Mizerski Jeremi Searching of Correlation of Weather and Cardiologic Events. Computer Methods for Relation Discovery and Events Prediction. HEALTHINF 2014: 7th International Conference on Health Informatics, Proceedings, Bienkiewicz Marta, Verdier Christine, Plantier Guy, Schultz Tanja, Fred Ana, Gamboa Hugo , Angers, France, SciTePress, 2014
- Bolikowski Łukasz, Gokieli Maria Simulating Phase Transition Dynamics on Non-trivial Domains Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, Wyrzykowski Roman, Dongarra Jack, Karczewski Konrad, Waśniewski Jerzy , Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag Berlin, Germany, 2014
- Saha Indrajit, Maullik Ujjwal, Łukasik Michał, Plewczyński Dariusz Multiobjective Differential Evolution: A Comparative Study on Benchmark Problems Man-Machine Interactions 3, Gruca Aleksandra, Czachórski Tadeusz, Kozielski Stanisław , Switzerland, Springer, 2014
- Bhowmick Shib Sankar, Saha Indrajit, Mazzocco Giovanni, Maulik Ujjwal, Rato Luis, Bhattacharjee Debotosh, Plewczyński Dariusz Application of RotaSVM for HLA Class II Protein-Peptide Interaction Prediction Proceedings of the International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms, Pastor Oscar, Sinoquet Christine, Plantier Guy, Schultz Tanja, Fred Ana, Gamboa Hugo , SCITEPRESS, 2014
- Saha Indrajit, Zubek Julian, Klingstrom Tomas, Forsberg Simon, Wikander Johan, Kierczak marcin, Maulik Ujjwal, Plewczyński Dariusz Ensemble learning prediction of protein-protein interactions using proteins functional annotations, Molecular BioSystems, 2014, 10, s. 820-830
- Wojtaszczyk Przemysław Aleksander Pełczyński(1932-2012), Roczniki Polskiego Towarzystwa Matematycznego. Seria 2: Wiadomości Matematyczne, 2014, 50, s. 159-162
- Wojtaszczyk Przemysław On left democracy function, Functiones et Approximatio, Commentarii Mathematici, 2014, 50, s. 207-214
- Fonf V.P., Wojtaszczyk Przemysław Extension of smooth subspaces in Lindenstrauss spaces, STUDIA MATHEMATICA, 2014, 222, s. 157-163
- Fonf V.P., Wojtaszczyk Przemysław Characteristic properties of the Gurariy space, ISRAEL JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, 2014, 203, s. 109-140
- Garrigos G., Wojtaszczyk Przemysław Conditional quasi-greedy bases in Hilbert and Banach spaces, INDIANA UNIVERSITY MATHEMATICS JOURNAL, 2014, 63, s. 1017-1036
- Radomski Jan P., Płoński Piotr, Zagórski-Ostoja Włodzimierz The hemagglutinin mutation E391K of pandemic 2009 influenza revisited, MOLECULAR PHYLOGENETICS AND EVOLUTION, 2014, 70, s. 29-36
- Radomski Jan P., Słonimski Piotr, Zagorski-Ostoja Włodzimierz, Borowicz Piotr Mapping of the influenza A hemagglutinin serotypes evolution by the ISSCOR method, Acta Biochimica Polonica, 2014, 61, s. 441-451
- Kobos Mateusz, Bolikowski Łukasz, Horst Marek, Manghi Paolo, Manola Natalia, Schirrwagen Jochen Information inference in scholarly communication infrastructures: the OpenAIREplus project experience, Procedia Computer Science, 2014, 38, s. 92-99
- Manghi Paolo, Houssos Nikos, Bolikowski Łukasz, Schirrwagen Jochen Report on the First Workshop on Linking and Contextualizing Publications and Datasets, SIGMOD RECORD, 2014, 43, s. 57-60
- Fedoryszak Mateusz, Bolikowski Łukasz Efficient Blocking Method for a Large Scale Citation Matching, D-Lib Magazine, 2014, 20, s. 1
- Szopiński Kazimierz, Regulski Piotr Visibility of dental pulp spaces in dental ultrasound, DENTOMAXILLOFACIAL RADIOLOGY, 2014, 43
- Łopuszyński Michał Application of Topic Models to Judgments from Public Procurement Domain Legal Knowledge and Information Systems, JURIX 2014, The Twenty-Seventh Annual Conference, Hoekstra Rinke , Amsterdam, Netherlands, IOS Press, 2014
- Amadori Debora, Goatin Paola, Rosini Massimiliano Daniele Existence results for Hughes’ model for pedestrian flows, JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS, 2014, 420, s. 387–406
- Andreianov Boris, Donadello Carlotta, Rosini Massimiliano Daniele Crowd dynamics and conservation laws with nonlocal constraints and capacity drop, MATHEMATICAL MODELS & METHODS IN APPLIED SCIENCES, 2014, 24, s. 1-38
- Jurkiewicz Jakub, Wendykier Piotr, Wojciechowski Krzysztof, Fedoryszak Mateusz, Dendek Piotr Jan Common Map of Academia: Augmenting Bibliography Research Information Data, Procedia Computer Science, 2014, 33, s. 74 – 79
- Kadoya Atsushi, Kenmochi Nobuyuki, Niezgódka Marek Quasi-variational inequalities in economic growth models with technological developement, Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications, 2014, 24, s. 185-214
- Jurkiewicz Jakub, Nowiński Aleksander Towards Finding Scholarly Articles in Internet Using Hadoop MapReduce with Oozie Workflow, Challenges of modern technology, 2014, 4
- Fenrich Wojciech Poza deklaracje. Zalety i konsekwencje perspektywy zadaniowej w badaniu kompetencji medialnych i informacyjnych, KULTURA POPULARNA, 2014, s. 46-55
- Regulski Piotr, Jalowski Stanisław, Gromak-Zaremba Joanna, Szopiński Kazimierz Ocena niepowodzeń w części praktycznej egzaminu z radiologii stomatologicznej i szczękowo-twarzowej, Medycyna Dydaktyka Wychowanie, 2014, 4, s. 27-32
- Kitowski J., Wiatr Kazimierz, Bała Piotr, Borcz Marcelina Maria, Czyżewski A., Dutka Ł., Kluszczyński Rafał, Kotus J., Kustra P., Meyer N., Milenin A., Mosurska Z., Pająk R., Rauch Ł., Sterzel M., Stokłosa D., Szepieniec T. Development of Domain-Specific Solutions Within the Polish Infrastructure for Advanced Scientific Research Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, Wyrzykowski Roman, Dongarra Jack, Karczewski Konrad, Waśniewski Jerzy , Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag Berlin, Germany, 2014
- Nowiński Aleksander Current Bibliography Research Information Systems in Poland, Procedia Computer Science, 2014, 33, s. 174-178
- Kadoya Atsushi, Kenmochi Nobuyuki, Niezgódka Marek Quasi-variational inequalities in economic growth models with technological development, Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications, 2014, Vol. 24, s. 185-214
- Łopuszyński Michał, Bolikowski Łukasz Towards robust tags for scientific publications from natural language processing tools and Wikipedia, International Journal on Digital Libraries, 2014, 16, s. 25-36
- Dendek Piotr, Czeczko Artur, Fedoryszak Mateusz, Kawa Adam, Wendykier Piotr, Bolikowski Łukasz Chrum: The Tool for Convenient Generation of Apache Oozie Workflows Intelligent Tools for Building a Scientific Information Platform: From Research to Implementation, Bembenik Robert, Skonieczny Łukasz, RYBIŃSKI Henryk, KRYSZKIEWICZ Marzena, Niezgódka Marek , Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer International Publishing, 2014
- Dendek Piotr, Czeczko Artur, Fedoryszak Mateusz, Kawa Adam, Wendykier Piotr, Bolikowski Łukasz Content Analysis of Scientific Articles in Apache Hadoop Ecosystem Intelligent Tools for Building a Scientific Information Platform: From Research to Implementation, Bembenik Robert, Skonieczny Łukasz, RYBIŃSKI Henryk, KRYSZKIEWICZ Marzena, Niezgódka Marek , Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer International Publishing, 2014
- Maity Debasree, Saha Indrajit, Maulik Ujjwal, Plewczyński Dariusz Soft Computing Approach for VLSI Mincut Partitioning: The State of the Arts Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving (SocProS 2012), December 28-30, 2012, Babu B.V., Nagar Atulya, Deep Kusum, Pant Millie, Chand-Bansal Jagdish, Ray Kanad, Gupta Umesh , Berlin, Springer India, 2014
- Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries — TPDL 2013 Selected Workshops, Bolikowski Łukasz, Casarosa Vittore, Goodale Paula, Houssos Nikos, Manghi Paolo, Schirrwagen Jochen , Switzerland, Springer International Publishing, 2014
- Łopuszyński Michał, Bolikowski Łukasz Tagging Scientific Publications Using Wikipedia and Natural Language Processing Tools Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries — TPDL 2013 Selected Workshops, Bolikowski Łukasz, Casarosa Vittore, Goodale Paula, Houssos Nikos, Manghi Paolo, Schirrwagen Jochen , Switzerland, Springer International Publishing, 2014
- Bojanowski Michał, Corten Rense Measuring Segregation in Social Networks, SOCIAL NETWORKS, 2014, 39, s. 14-32
- Cytowski Maciej, Szymańska Zuzanna Large-Scale Parallel Simulations of 3D Cell Colony Dynamics, COMPUTING IN SCIENCE & ENGINEERING, 2014, 16, s. 86-95
- Ptasińska Maria, Sołtys Jakub, Piechota Jacek, Krukowski Stanisław Electronic properties on GaN(0001) surface – ab initio investigation, VACUUM, 2014, 99, s. 166-174
- Sołtys Jakub, Ptasińska Maria, Piechota Jacek, Krukowski Stanisław Density functional study of GaN(0001)/AIN(0001) high electron mobility transistor structures, Journal of Crystal Growth, 2014, 401, s. 30-32
- Sołtys Jakub, Piechota Jacek, Ptasińska Maria, Krukowski Stanisław Hydrogen intercalation of single and multiple layer graphene synthesized on Si-terminated SiC(0001) surface, Journal of Applied Physics, 2014, 116, s. 1-7
- Tkaczyk Dominika, Szostek Paweł, Bolikowski Łukasz GROTOAP2 — The Methodology of Creating a Large Ground Truth Dataset of Scientific Articles, D-Lib Magazine, 2014, 20, s. 1
- Nowiński Krzysztof, Borucki Bartosz VisNow – a Modular, Extensible Visual Analysis Platform Poster Papers Proceedings of 22nd International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision WSCG2014, Skala Vaclav , Plzen, Czech Republic, Vaclav Skala – Union Agency, 2014
- Barreira Alexandre, Baojiu Li, Hellwing Wojciech, Lombriser Lucas, Baugh Carlton M., Pascoli Silvia Halo model and halo properties in galileon gravity cosmologies, JOURNAL OF COSMOLOGY AND ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS, 2014, 2014, s. 1-17
- Barreira A., Li B., Hellwing Wojciech, Baugh C. M., Pascoli S. Nonlinear structure formation in nonlocal gravity, JOURNAL OF COSMOLOGY AND ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS, 2014, 2014, s. 1-19
- Cauton M., Hellwing Wojciech, van de Weygaert R., Frenk S. C., Jones B. J. T., Sawala T. Subhalo statistics of galactic haloes: beyond the resolution limit, MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 2014, 445, s. 1820-1835
- Cauton M., Frenk C. S., van de Weygaert R., Hellwing Wojciech, Jones B. J. T. Milky way mass constraints from the galactic satellite gap, MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 2014, 445, s. 2049-2060
- Regulski Piotr, Szopiński Kazimierz, Nowiński Krzysztof Automatic assessment of the occlusal plane on panoramic radiographs., Insights into Imaging, 2014, 5, s. S228-S228
- Hellwing Wojciech, Barreira A., Frenk C. S., Li B., Cole S. Clear and Measurable Signature of Modified Gravity in the Galaxy Velocity Field, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 2014, 114, s. 221102
- Kursa Miron rFerns: An Implementation of the Random Ferns Method for General-Purpose Machine Learning, Journal of Statistical Software, 2014, 61, s. 1-13
- Kursa Miron Robustness of Random Forest-based gene selection methods, BMC BIOINFORMATICS, 2014, 15, s. 8
- Tkaczyk Dominika, Szostek Paweł, Dendek Piotr, Fedoryszak Mateusz, Bolikowski Łukasz CERMINE – automatic extraction of metadata and references from scientific literature Proceedings of the 11th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems, O’Conner Lisa , Tours, France, IEEE Computer Society, 2014
- Borcz Marcelina Maria, Kluszczyński Rafał, Marczak Grzegorz, Benedyczak Krzysztof, Piechota Jacek, Rutkowski Andrzej, Chlebiej Michał, Bała Piotr Web gateway to the PL-Grid resources with the UNICORE Portal CGW’14 Proceedings, Bubak Marian, Turała Michał, Wiatr Kazimierz , Kraków, ACK Cyfronet AGH, 2014
- Zieliński Jakub, Nowiński Krzysztof Multi-step anisotropic denoiser scheme applied for cardiac non-contrast CT images, International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 2014, 9, s. S263-S264
- Lewandowski Tomasz, Starczewski Michał Po czym rozpoznać dobre repozytorium?, Biblioteka i Edukacja, 2014
- Arcanjo Ana Carolina, Mazzocco Giovanni, de Oliveira Silviene Fabiana, Plewczyński Dariusz, Radomski Jan P. Role of the host genetic variability in the influenza A virus susceptibility, Acta Biochimica Polonica, 2014, 61, s. 403-419
- Dziekoński Paweł, Klajn Franciszek, Flis Łukasz, Lasoń Patryk, Magryś Marek, Oziębło Andrzej, Rowicki Radosław, Stolarek Marcin, Bartkiewicz Dominik, Zawadzki Marek, Pospieszny Marcin, Mikołajczak Rafał, Brzeźniak Maciej, Meyer Norbert, Samson Marcin National Distributed High Performance Computing Infrastructure for PL-Grid Users eScience on Distributed Computing Infrastructure. Achievements of PLGrid Plus Domain-Specific Services and Tools, Bubak Marian, Kitowski Jacek, Wiatr Kazimierz , Szwajcaria, Springer International Publishing, 2014
- Radecki Marcin, Szymocha Tadeusz, Piontek Tomasz, Bosak Bartosz, Mamoński Mariusz, Wolniewicz Paweł, Benedyczak Krzysztof, Kluszczyński Rafał Reservations for Compute Resources in Federated e-Infrastructure eScience on Distributed Computing Infrastructure. Achievements of PLGrid Plus Domain-Specific Services and Tools, Bubak Marian, Kitowski Jacek, Wiatr Kazimierz , Szwajcaria, Springer International Publishing, 2014
- Treder Waldemar, Klamkowski Krzysztof, Jakubiak Bogumił Jerzy, Rudnicki Witold Evaluation of quality of rainfall forecasting using COAMPS and UM models, Acta Horticulturae, 2014, 1038, s. 663-670
- Plewczyński Dariusz, Philips Anna, von Grotthuss Marcin, Rychlewski Leszek, Ginalski Krzysztof HarmonyDOCK: The structural analysis of poses in protein-ligand docking, JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY, 2014, 21, s. 247-256
- Sobieski Wojciech, Trykozko Anna Darcy’s and Forchheimer’s laws in practice – Part 1: The experiment, Technical Sciences / University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, 2014, 17, s. 321-335
- Sobieski Wojciech, Trykozko Anna Darcy’s and Forchheimer’s laws in practice – Part 2: The numerical mode, Technical Sciences / University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, 2014, 17, s. 337-350
- Przanowski Piotr, DĄBROWSKI MICHAŁ, ELLERT – MIKLASZEWSKA ALEKSANDRA, Kloss Michał, Mieczkowski Jakub, KAZA BEATA, Ronowicz Anna, Hu Feng, Piotrowski Arkadiusz, Kettenmann Helmut, Komorowski Jan, Kamińska Bożena The signal transducers Stat1 and Stat3 and their novel target Jmjd3 drive the expression of inflammatory genes in microglia., JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MEDICINE-JMM, 2014, 92, s. 239-254
- Rudnicki Witold, Mroczek Teresa, Cudek Paweł Amino Acid properties Conserved in Molecular Evolution, PLoS One, 2014, 9, s. 1-12
- Kempisty Paweł, Krukowski Stanisław Adsorption of ammonia at GaN(0001) surface in the mixed ammonia/hydrogen ambient – A summary of ab initio data, AIP Advances, 2014, 4, s. 117109
- Szczepek Ewa, Czerwosz Leszek, Nowiński Krzysztof, Czernicki Zbigniew Ocena parametrów wolumetrycznych wewnątrzczaszkowych stosunków objętościowych w zaniku mózgu, Nowa Medycyna, 2014, 2014, s. 113-117
- Intelligent Tools for Building a Scientific Information Platform: From Research to Implementation, Bembenik Robert, Skonieczny Łukasz, RYBIŃSKI Henryk, KRYSZKIEWICZ Marzena, Niezgódka Marek , Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer International Publishing, 2014
- Ośródka Katarzyna, Szturc Jan, Jakubiak Bogumił, Jurczyk Anna Processing of 3D Weather Radar Data with Application for Assimilation in the NWP Model, Miscellanea Geographica, 2014, 18, s. 31-39
- Kursa Miron, Wieczorkowska Alicja Multi-label Ferns for Efficient Recognition of Musical Instruments in Recordings Foundations of Intelligent Systems. 21st International Symposium, ISMIS 2014, Roskilde, Denmark, June 25-27, 2014. Proceedings, Andreasen Troels, Christiansen Henning, Cubero Juan-Carlos, Raś Zbigniew W. , Switzerland, Springer International Publishing, 2014
- Strąk Paweł, Kempisty Paweł, Sakowski Konrad, Krukowski Stanisław Doping effects in InN/GaN short-period quantum well structures—Theoretical studies based on density functional methods, Journal of Crystal Growth, 2014, 401, s. 652–656
- Krukowski Stanisław, Kempisty Paweł, Strąk Paweł, Sakowski Konrad Fermi level pinning and the charge transfer contribution to the energy of adsorption at semiconducting surfaces, Journal of Applied Physics, 2014, 115, s. 043529
- Kempisty Paweł, Strąk Paweł, Sakowski Konrad, Krukowski Stanisław DFT study of ammonia desorption from the GaN(0001) surface covered with a NH3 /NH2 mixture, Journal of Crystal Growth, 2014, 403, s. 105-109
- Kempisty Paweł, Strąk Paweł, Sakowski Konrad, Krukowski Stanisław General aspects of the vapor growth of semiconductor crystals – A study based on DFT simulations of the NH3 /NH2 covered GaN(0001) surface in hydrogen ambient, Journal of Crystal Growth, 2014, 390, s. 71-79
- Kempisty Paweł, Strąk Paweł, Sakowski Konrad, Krukowski Stanisław Adsorption of gallium on GaN (0001) surface in ammonia-rich conditions: A new effect associated with the Fermi level position, Journal of Crystal Growth, 2014, 401, s. 78-81
- Kempisty Paweł, Strąk Paweł, Sakowski Konrad, Krukowski Stanisław Adsorption of ammonia on hydrogen covered GaN(0001) surface – Density Functional Theory study, Journal of Crystal Growth, 2014, 401, s. 514-517
- Sakowski Konrad, Marcinkowski Leszek, Krukowski Stanislaw Modification of the Newton’s method for the simulations of gallium nitride semiconductor devices, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2014, 8385, s. 551-560
- Plewczyński Dariusz, Łukasik Michał, Kurdej Konrad, Zubek Julian, Rakowski Franciszek, Rączaszek-Leonardi Joanna Generic Framework for Simulation of Cognitive Systems: A Case Study of Color Category Boundaries Man-Machine Interactions 3, Gruca Aleksandra, Czachórski Tadeusz, Kozielski Stanisław , Switzerland, Springer, 2014
- Kosiuczenko Piotr, Jurkiewicz Jakub, Madeyski Lech, Ochodek Mirosław, Orłowski Cezary, Radliński Łukasz Recent Polish achievements in Software Engineering Software Engineering from Research and Practice Perspectives, Madeyski Lech, Ochodek Mirosław , Poznań, PTI, 2014
- Hapka Micha, Rajchel Łukasz, Modrzejewski Marcin, Chałasiński Grzegorz, Szcześniak Małgorzata Tuned range-separated hybrid functionals in the symmetry-adapted perturbation theory, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 2014, 141, s. 1-9
- Jakubiak Bogumił Jerzy, Licznar Paweł, Malinowski Szymon Rainfall estimates from radar vs. raingauge measurements. Warsaw case study, Environment Protection Engineering, 2014, 40, s. 159-170
- Szostakiewicz Michał Marcin, Urbanski Mariusz, Zdunik Anna Stochastics and thermodynamics for equilibrium measures of holomorphic endomorphisms on complex projective spaces, MONATSHEFTE FUR MATHEMATIK, 2014, 174, s. 141-162
- Szymańska Zuzanna, Parisot Martin, Lachowicz Mirosław Mathematical modeling of the intracellular protein dynamics: The importance of active transport along microtubules, JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY, 2014, 363, s. 118-128
- Dolfin Marina, Lachowicz Mirosław, Szymańska Zuzanna General framework for multiscale modeling of tumor – immune system interaction Mathematical Oncology 2013, d’Onforio Alberto, Gandolfi Alberto , Springer New York, 2014
- Krukowski Stanisław, Sołtys Jakub, Borysiuk Jolanta, Piechota Jacek Influence of a parallel electric field on the dispersion relation of graphene – A new route to Dirac logics, Journal of Crystal Growth, 2014, 401, s. 869-873
- Panecka Joanna, Mura Cameron, Trylska Joanna Interplay of the Bacterial Ribosomal A-Site, S12 Protein Mutations and Paromomycin Binding: A Molecular Dynamics Study, PLoS One, 2014, 9, s. 1-17
- Panecka Joanna, Havrila Marek, Reblova Kamila, Sponer Jiri, Trylska Joanna Role of S-turn2 in the Structure, Dynamics, and Function of Mitochondrial Ribosomal A-Site. A Bioinformatics and Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B, 2014, 118, s. 6687-6701
- Mazanowska O[ktawia], Żabińska M[arcelina], Kościelska-Kasprzak K[atarzyna], Kamińska D[orota], Krajewska M[agdalena], Banasik M[irosław], Madziarska K[atarzyna], Zmonarski S[ławomir] C., Chudoba P[aweł], Biecek Przemysław, Boratyńska M[aria], Klinger M[arian] Increased plasma matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2), tissue inhibitor of proteinase-1 (TIMP-1), TIMP-2, and urine MMP-2 concentrations correlate with proteinuria in renal transplant recipients, Transplantation Proceedings, 2014, 46, s. 2636-2639
- Mazanowska O[ktawia], Żabińska M[arcelina], Kościelska-Kasprzak K[atarzyna], Kamińska D[orota], Banasik M[irosław], Krajewska M[agdalena], Madziarska K[atarzyna], Zmonarski S[ławomir] C., Chudoba P[aweł], Biecek P., Boratyńska M[aria], Klinger M[arian] Advanced age of renal transplant recipients correlates with increased plasma concentrations of interleukin-6, chemokine ligand 2 (CCL2), and matrix metalloproteinase 2, and urine concentrations of CCL2 and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 1, Transplantation Proceedings, 2014, 46, s. 2640-2643
- Borysiuk Jolanta, Sołtys Jakub, Piechota Jacek, Krukowski Stanisław, Baranowski Jacek, Stępniewski Roman Structural defects in epitaxial graphene layers synthesized on C-terminated 4H-SiC (000-1) surface – Transmission electron microscopy and density functional theory studies, Journal of Applied Physics, 2014, 115, s. 054310
- Kwiatkowski Kamil, Zuk P.J., Dudyński M., Bajer Konrad Pyrolysis and gasification of single biomass particle – New openFoam solver, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, 2014, 530, s. nr art. 012015
- Kwiatkowski Kamil, Bajer Konrad, Celińska Agnieszka, Dudyński Marek, Korotko Jakub, Sosnowska Marta Pyrolysis and gasification of a thermally thick wood particle – Effect of fragmentation, FUEL, 2014, 132, s. 125-134
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