“4EU + Against Cancer” Summer School: Introduction to Molecular and Clinical Oncology

In July, the University of Warsaw hosted the “4EU + Against Cancer” summer school for students and researchers and the main focus was on clinical and preclinical research in the field of molecular and clinical oncology. The event is part of the 4EU + Alliance: Urban Health and Demographic Change flagship program, coordinated by Dr. Catherine Suski-Grabowski from ICM University of Warsaw.

Text Mining in Medical Science based on Virtual Library of Science

ICM UW develops and supplies the Taxila framework in Poland for quick and practical analysis of scientific texts. Thanks to the cooperation with the Systems Biology Institute in Tokyo and the resources of the Virtual Library of Science (WBN), dozens of doctors and scientists from recognized medical centers throughout Poland have already benefited from the workshops dedicated to the use of Taxila in oncology and in research on Covid-19.

Conference about artificial intelligence in health

Responsibility for algorithms, the use of AI in a medical entity, business and technological aspects, cooperation with startups and finally the role of blockchain in health – these are the main topics of the second edition of the “AI in Health” conference, which will take place on June 14 and it will be a stationary event. ICM UW supports the event as the Chief Member of the AI ​​in Health Coalition.

Supercomputer in use: Trans-continental ultrafast data transfer

Europe – Middle East – Asia Pacific linked by the ‘ocean of data’ What is a supercomputer? What makes it “super”? What can it be used for? Is it able to work on remote data sets? These and other questions will be answered during a webinar hosted by Michał Hermanowicz and Jarosław Skomiał from ICM […]

Dr. Robert Sot is the new Director of ICM University of Warsaw

From January 1st, Dr. Robert Sot has become the acting Director of the Interdisciplinary Center for Mathematical and Computational Modeling at the University of Warsaw. Pursuant to the decision of the Rector of the University of Warsaw on January 1, 2022, Dr. Robert Sot replaced Dr. Marek Michalewicz, who managed the unit from July 2018. […]

UNESCO’s General Conference reaches global agreement on open science

The UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science was adopted by the General Conference of UNESCO in November 2021. The Recommendation provides an international framework for open science policy, practice, values, and principles. The new UNESCO guidelines were created with Polish participation thanks to the involvement of the Open Science Platform – a competence center of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computer Modelling at the University of Warsaw.

Poland is one of the few countries with a registry and recommendations for treating post COVID-19 complications in children (PIMS)

Scientific Reports (part of the Nature portfolio) has just published the results of the joint work of scientists from the Wroclaw Medical University, the Medical University of Warsaw and the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling of the University of Warsaw, on the NEW CONDITION – the paediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome associated with COVID-19 […]

Dec 1st, CHPC National Conference keynote talk: “Globally Federated Supercomputing: InfiniCortex and other explorations”

It is a great pleasure to announce dr Marek Michalewicz keynote talk during the 15th CHPC National Conference in South Africa (Dec 1-3, 2021). The theme of the conference is “Cloud Technologies for Cyber-Infrastructure Service Provisioning: New Opportunities in Unprecedented Times”. Registration is still open. This year’s theme recognises how as more and more work […]

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