The ICM UW Scientific Conference 2023

The ICM Scientific Conference 2023 took place on November 29-30, 2023. The event showcased selected projects of High-Performance Computing (HPC) users and achievements of the Interdisciplinary Center for Mathematical and Computational Modeling (ICM) in the field of large-scale computations and educational activities. The meetings at the former University of Warsaw’s Library also had a celebratory aspect, marking the 30th anniversary of the ICM’s existence as a university-wide research and scientific unit at the University of Warsaw.

Scientific Sessions: KDM and PIONIER-LAB

On the first day of the conference, during the Scientific Sessions of KDM (High-Performance Computers) several KDM users summarized their often years-long computations on ICM supercomputers.

This included presentations by:

  • Prof. Dr. hab. Wojciech Grochala, Center for New Technologies, University of Warsaw;
  • Dr. Jacek Piechota, Institute of High Pressure, UNIPRESS PAN;
  • Dr. hab. Dominik Kurzydłowski, Prof. UKSW, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University;
  • Prof. Dr. hab. Joanna Trylska, Center for New Technologies, University of Warsaw;
  • Dr. hab. Wojciech Kamiński, Faculty of Physics and Astronomy, University of Wrocław;
  • Dr. hab. inż. Krzysztof Rogowski, Faculty of Mechanical and Power Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology;
  • Prof. Dr. hab. Agnieszka Janiuk, Center for Theoretical Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences.

In the afternoon session, the ICM Team for Data Centers and Computer Network Services presented the PIONIER-LAB project. This national platform integrates research infrastructures with innovation ecosystems, creating unique laboratories such as:

  • the Laboratory of Innovative Network Technologies,
  • Distributed Time and Frequency Laboratory,
  • Smart Campus as a Smart City Laboratory,
  • Regional “Living” Laboratories of ICT-Inspired Innovations,
  • Cloud Services Laboratory,
  • Large-Scale Simulation Laboratory,
  • Laboratory and e-training Services (within the scope of PIONIER-LAB and technology-inspired innovations),
  • Pre-incubation Laboratory.

The project also involves utilizing the existing national PIONIER fiber-optic network. The main goal of the PIONIER-LAB project is to provide a platform for scientific units, entrepreneurs, and other entities interested in conducting scientific research and development work.

More information about PIONIER-LAB can be found at .

Jubilee Celebration

The second day of the ICM UW Scientific Conference was dedicated to jubilee meetings, celebrating the 30th anniversary of ICM as a university-wide research and scientific unit at the University of Warsaw. In addition to a historical overview, the current interdisciplinary achievements of ICM, including broadly defined scientific and educational activities, were presented, along with the development plans of the unit.

The conference also celebrated nearly three decades of numerical weather forecasting, including 25 years of the Synoptician’s Commentary in the Meteo service. Recognitions for many years of work, including daily comments on numerical weather forecasts, were given to retired officers of the military aviation meteorological service: Maciej Ostrowski – a graduate in meteorology at PW, former head of the Central Meteorological Bureau of military aviation; Ryszard Olędzki – a graduate of UMCS, former chief synoptician of the same bureau; Ryszard Klejnowski – a graduate of WAT, retired deputy director of IMGW.

We express our sincere gratitude to our distinguished speakers and participants of the ICM UW 2023 Scientific Conference. In particular, we wish to extend our heartfelt thanks for the presence and well-wishes of the Chief of the Hydrometeorological Service of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland – Col. Maciej Betke, as well as representatives of the KDM centers in Poland: Jerzy Proficz (CI TASK), Marek Magryś (Cyfronet), Krzysztof Kurowski, and Tomasz Piontek (PCSS).