ICM University of Warsaw among EOSC public tender winners in Horizon Europe project
The European Commission’s DG Connect revealed the winners of the public procurement tender titled “Managed Services for the European Open Science Cloud Platform (EOSC)” published under the Horizon Europe Research Infrastructures Work Programme 2022. ICM University of Warsaw is a member of the Open Science Agora Consortium providing professionally managed services for the core components of the EOSC EU Node.
The procurement for the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) aims to establish and implement a comprehensive enabling infrastructure known as the EOSC EU Node. This infrastructure is designed to offer access to a diverse range of FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) data and high-quality interoperable services across various domains, encompassing tasks such as data management, computing, processing, analysis, and storage.
The Open Science Agora consortium, of which ICM University of Warsaw is a member, is set to deliver expertly managed services for the fundamental elements of the EOSC EU Node. This encompasses responsibilities such as overseeing the Web Portal Front Office, managing Resource Catalogues and Registry Services, operating the Application Workflow Management engine, implementing Federated Identity Management and Single-Sign-On solutions, handling Monitoring and Accounting functions, and coordinating the overall Service Management System and service integration.
The objective of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is to establish a federation of infrastructures that offers seamless access to interoperable research objects and value-added services throughout the entire research data lifecycle, encompassing discovery, storage, management, analysis, and subsequent reuse.
European Comission / ICM University of Warsaw
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The Commission announces winners of the EOSC Procurement
European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)