Online event: The LUMI Supercomputer and its potential for Polish scientists

On October 20th, an event dedicated to one of the fastest supercomputers in the world – LUMI – will take place online. LUMI’s infrastructure is being built by 10 European countries (including Poland) as part of the EuroHPC JU initiative. The event’s program includes a presentation by Maciej Szpindler from ICM, who in collaboration with Cyfronet  […]

Prolonged Consumption of Sweetened Beverages Lastingly Deteriorates Cognitive Functions and Reward Processing in Mice

In the recent paper published in the “Cerebral Cortex” journal, a group of researchers from France, USA and Poland – from Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAS) and Interdisciplinary Centre from Mathematical and Computational Modelling (ICM) Univ. of Warsaw presented novel insights on the neurobiological effects of long-term sweeteners […]

ICM conducts valuable R&D projects by applying artificial intelligence (AI) in medicine

“ICM has been creating, prototyping and verifying AI algorithms in medicine for several years now. We have joint the AI ​​in Healthcare Coalition to facilitate the access to the computing infrastructure, which we are intensively developing, to all interested institutions and companies. We are currently working on the implementation of several applications developed at the […]

ICM Summer School 2021

ICM Summer School ’21

“Applications of advanced data processing in life sciences” [2nd round of recruitment until 23.06, classes for UW students]. The candidates should possess basic knowledge in the fields of biology, chemistry and mathematics. The course is free of charge and will take place between June 28th and July 9th, 2021 in hybrid form.

library of science
Supercomputing Frontiers Europe 2021 Keynote Speakers

Supercomputing Frontiers Europe 2021 (SCFE’21) is announcing keynote speakers!

The leaders of the field: Anders Jensen, Irene Qualters, Roberto Car and Hiroaki Kitano will report on the most important developments in supercomputing and computational science. The conference, organized by Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling University of Warsaw, Poland, will be held digitally between July 19-23, 2021.

Warsaw Team with high scores on ASC Student Supercomputer Challenge

We are extremely proud of Warsaw Team who received high marks in the finals of ASC Student Supercomputer Challenge 2020-2021. Our students won gold in Machine Learning “Language Exam (LE) Challenge” and bronze in PRESTO application.  Warsaw Team was one of seven foreign teams who took part in the competition’s final virtually and in this on-line category […]

ICM in collaboration with SCinet sets up a virtual lab for SC 2021 – The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, the most important annual event since 1988

“We wanted to write and let you know how much the SCinet Routing team appreciates the virtual lab that Jaroslaw Skomial and the University of Warsaw have setup for us to use to build a virtual version of the network we want to implement at the SC21 conference” – wrote the organizers in a thank you note.

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