MOSAIC project at MediLabSecure Global Meeting in Paris

Dr. Aneta Afelt spoke at the MediLabSecure global conference in a roundtable dedicated to the impact of the One Health concept on national health strategy. The meeting, held at the Institut Pasteur in Paris, focused on regional and multisectoral collaboration to improve global health.

An introduction to physics-informed neural networks (PINNs)

In May, Center4ML (Faculty of Physics) and ICM UW jointly organized a workshop within the EuroCC2 project, titled “ML Workshop: Physics-Informed Neural Networks and Neural Operators”. Recordings from this event are available on our YT channel.

ICM UW in the international consortium MOSAIC

Fifteen institutions from seven countries – France, Poland, Portugal, Kenya, Brazil, the USA, and Colombia – will implement the MOSAIC project starting from the new year. The project focuses on open, multimodal, and replicable information ecosystems supporting cross-border communities. MOSAIC is simultaneously the first initiative in Poland under the ‘Horizon Europe’ framework that addresses environmental aspects of epidemiological threats.

ICM University of Warsaw among EOSC public tender winners in Horizon Europe project

The European Commission’s DG Connect revealed the winners of the public procurement tender titled “Managed Services for the European Open Science Cloud Platform (EOSC)” published under the Horizon Europe Research Infrastructures Work Programme 2022. ICM University of Warsaw is a member of the Open Science Agora Consortium providing professionally managed services for the core components of the EOSC EU Node.

The ICM UW Scientific Conference 2023

The ICM Scientific Conference 2023 took place on November 29-30, 2023. The event showcased selected projects of High-Performance Computing (HPC) users and achievements of the Interdisciplinary Center for Mathematical and Computational Modeling (ICM) in the field of large-scale computations and educational activities. The meetings at the former University of Warsaw’s Library also had a celebratory aspect, marking the 30th anniversary of the ICM’s existence as a university-wide research and scientific unit at the University of Warsaw.

Dr. Jan Malawko at the ECAC/EU Dialogue in Valencia

The aviation projects of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling, University of Warsaw (ICM UW) related to the optimization of the global network of connections and the concept of directional transfer nodes were presented at the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC).

Workshop: Lavrentiev’s phenomenon, approximation, and regularity

Registration is open for the workshop „Lavrentiev’s phenomenon, approximation, and regularity”, a joint ICM-MIM initiative under the IDUB programme entitled PDEs in Mathematical Biology. On 20-22 November, we invite graduate students, postdocs, and all researchers interested in the calculus of variations and Lavrentiev’s phenomenon to Warsaw.

ICM UW leads the project which was recognised in the CHIST-ERA ORD competition

The Interdisciplinary Center for Mathematical and Computational Modeling at the University of Warsaw (ICM UW) is commencing the implementation of the international FAIRBiRDS project: FAIR Bird Research Data and Software: closing the research lifecycle in the long tail of science. The project, coordinated by ICM UW, was selected as one of the top nine-rated R&D initiatives out of 34 applications submitted in the CHIST-ERA ORD competition.

Integrated atmospheric database with sharing system within the RepOD Open Data Repository

The joint IGF-ICM project will facilitate the collection and use of atmospheric data and enable new research and development work in atmospheric physics as well as numerical modeling. The experience gathered by the IGF-ICM team can be widely used and easily implemented for other UW Units collecting measurement and observation data of various types.

Smarter Diagnostics Entrepreneur of the Year at the University of Warsaw

Emerging from ICM University of Warsaw, Smarter Diagnostics has been chosen as the Entrepreneur of the Year UW 2023 in the Start-up of the Year category. “Our dream is for our vision of using AI in imaging diagnostics to succeed in the market. We want to achieve success, stop being a start-up, and operate as a thriving company. We want our idea to spread worldwide,” comments Bartosz Borucki.

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