The National Cloud Infrastructure for Open Science is Being Established

ICM UW, together with ACK Cyfronet AGH and WASKO S.A., will build a cloud infrastructure that will enable the implementation of R&D work conducted according to the Open Science paradigm. The infrastructure will be developed as part of the project “National Cloud Infrastructure PLGrid for EOSC – PLGrid ICON” funded by the National Recovery Plan. A significant part of the investment will be the purchase of new cloud clusters, which will be launched at the ICM UW Data Center in Warsaw.

The subject of the project “National Cloud Infrastructure PLGrid for EOSC – PLGrid ICON” is to build modern cloud infrastructure that will enable the implementation of R&D work conducted in accordance with the Open Science paradigm, providing solutions that meet the current and future needs of Polish society, the scientific community, and the economy.

PLGrid ICON is part of the broader initiative of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), and the result of the work will be the provision of a range of tools and services based on the latest cloud technologies, in particular:

  • providing modern research infrastructure in the cloud environment for R&D work, especially data science and AI (artificial intelligence) for research units and enterprises;
  • improving the competencies of staff and increasing knowledge transfer;
  • widespread and secure provision of data analysis and processing pipelines and their availability and management in accordance with FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) and the Open Science paradigm, which is one of the main pillars of accelerating innovation and more effective collaboration between science and industry;
  • stimulating innovation in R&D work by leveraging the potential and capabilities of the latest technologies, supporting the development of the digital society.

The project will be implemented by units that are members of the PL-Grid Consortium: the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling at the University of Warsaw (ICM UW) and the Academic Computer Centre Cyfronet of the AGH University of Science and Technology (ACK Cyfronet AGH), along with the business partner WASKO S.A.

The project will be carried out at the ICM UW Data Center in Warsaw on Kupiecka Street, with ICM UW and ACK Cyfronet AGH responsible for creating the cloud infrastructure, including hardware investments and the creation of intangible assets, while WASKO S.A. will provide the software for monitoring and managing the infrastructure.

The PLGrid ICON cloud will be designed with an emphasis on providing an environment for R&D work, particularly for data science and artificial intelligence applications. From the hardware side, the cloud will be built based on two computing clusters in Warsaw, one purchased by ICM UW and the other by ACK Cyfronet AGH, tailored to these two applications.

The planned project implementation time is 18 months – after its completion, the implemented PLGrid cloud infrastructure for EOSC will achieve the intended functionality and will be made available to users from scientific and economic environments for conducting R&D work.


The total value of the project “National Cloud Infrastructure PLGrid for EOSC – PLGrid ICON” is PLN 99,035,052.02, including PLN 83,554,515.02 in funding from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (KPO).

The project will be implemented based on the AGREEMENT FOR NON-REFUNDABLE SUPPORT FROM THE DEVELOPMENT PLAN UNDER INVESTMENT: A2.4.1 Investments in the expansion of research potential of the NATIONAL RECOVERY AND RESILIENCE PLAN; Support Agreement Number: KPOD.01.18-IW.03-0006/24.