ICM Summer School ’21

ICM Summer School 2021

Applications of advanced data processing in life sciences [2nd round of recruitment until 23.06, classes for UW students]

We would like to invite students of all faculties and students of natural sciences in particular, to enroll in the “Applications of advanced data processing in life sciences” Summer School in English. The candidates should possess basic knowledge in the fields of biology, chemistry and mathematics. The course is free of charge and will take place between June 28th and July 9th, 2021 in hybrid form (classes will be held on-line and at the ICM Technology Center).

The main aim of this summer school’s education is strengthening both soft skills and professional competences of the students as well as enriching their knowledge of domain-specific vocabulary in English. In particular, students will:

  1. become familiar with the application of machine learning and artificial intelligence in research in life sciences,
  2. deepen their knowledge of the English technical vocabulary,
  3. develop the skills to present the results of their work in a public forum (also on-line).

The detailed Summer School Program, Schedule and Regulations are available at: https://akademia.icm.edu.pl/szkolenia/szkola-letnia/

Registration of candidates for the Summer School will be carried out using the electronic form available on the above-mentioned website on the following dates:

  • 1st round 04/06/2021-13/06/2021
  • 2nd round 16/06/2021-23/06/2021

Participants will be notified about the enrollment results by e-mail within 3 days after the end of the given registration round.


Students earn 5 ECTS credits in the general subject category upon completion of summer school.

Szkoła lenia ICM jest organizowana w ramach Programu zintegrowanych działań na rzecz rozwoju Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego i finansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego. Celem programu ZIP, realizowanego na UW w latach 2018-2022, jest rozwój kompetencji studentów, doktorantów i pracowników oraz wprowadzenie narzędzi, które pozwolą usprawnić zarządzanie uczelnią. Dofinansowanie programu wynosi ponad 38 mln zł. Więcej informacji na www.zip.uw.edu.pl

Fundusze Europejskie

Rzeczpospolita Polska

Unia Europejska