Supercomputing Frontiers Europe 2021

Dear Supercomputing Frontiers Europe friends,
We are thrilled to announce the dates of the newest edition of the Supercomputing Frontiers Europe. Due to on-going pandemic, the conference will continue with last year’s virtual format. It will take place between
19-23 July 2021. The event is organised by the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling (ICM), University of Warsaw, Poland.
The conference is free to enable wide participation of HPC enthusiasts from around the world.
The last edition of this conference, Supercomputing Frontiers Europe 2020 (digital) was a great success with more than 1100 registrations, from more than 60 countries. With the reception of virtual SCFE 2020 event exceeding our expectations, we have decided to maintain momentum and to provide a platform for HPC and computing science community through the Virtual ICM Seminars in Computer and Computational Science – the series, which have already attracted 1330 viewers and brings together the our community during the pandemic and is broadcasted from Warsaw, Poland.
“We are convinced that Supercomputing Frontiers Europe 2021 will maintain the highest standards established in all previous events. Our new initiative called Virtual ICM Seminars enabled us to host seminars by such outstanding luminaries as Hiroaki Kitano (Systems Biology Institute, Tokyo), Stephen Wolfram (Founder & CEO, Wolfram Research) or Alan Edelman (creator of Julia language, MIT). We will continue to seek ideas that have potential to change the course of supercomputing and we will focus on the newest global trends and substantial innovations” – says Dr. Marek Michalewicz, committee chair and Supercomputing Frontiers conferences creator.
We strive to give an open space for the HPC community to interact and discuss visionary ideas. The annual event is attended by scientists, supercomputer center managers, and representatives of leading IT vendors and start-ups.
The topics for SCFE21 will be: special architectures, storage class memory, hybrid cloud/HPC, smart systems, hybrid quantum computing and HPC, Omics and Systems Biology, convergence of HPC, AI and Big Data, Semantic and Graph methods, and more. The program will include special streams featuring selected achievements in India and Africa.
The SCFE 2021 paper submission is now open. Submission closing date is May 16, 2021
Submitted papers will be subjected to a peer review and carefully evaluated based on originality, significance, technical soundness, and clarity of exposition. All authors of accepted papers from the conference will be invited by the SCFE2021 program committee to submit and publish their paper (after further independent review) in a special issue of the international journal of Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations.
For full details, please visit the website.
Stay in touch:
Conference website:
Twitter: #SCFE21
About the organizer:
The Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling (ICM), University of Warsaw, is involved in interdisciplinary scientific research based on mathematical modeling, computer simulations, modeling, multi-scale and large-scale computations. The popular weather portal for the last 27 years has been providing the most accurate weather predictions for Poland and is visited about 200 million times a year. ICM researchers created decision support tools for global civil aviation (in collaboration with ICAO). For nearly a year now ICM is supporting the Polish Government and crisis management authorities in Poland by providing short and long term predictions of epidemic in Poland using ICM Epidemiological Model for the COVID-19 . ICM plays crucial role in securing access for Polish scientists from over 500 institutions to the entire body of scientific literature, including over 26,000 journal titles, and over 150 000 book titles by maintaining the Virtual Library of Science. ICM networking team has participated in a number of cutting edge networking solutions, both for high throughput and low latency requirements. In 2019, ICM engineers have established a production 100Gbps connection over 12,375 4 miles CAE-1 (Collaboration Asia Europe-1) line between Warsaw and Singapore.