ICM UW Implements Project within the Governmental Strategic Program Hydrostrateg

Project funded by the National Centre for Research and Development under the program: Government Strategic Program Hydrostrateg “Innovations for Water Management and Inland Navigation.”
ICM (Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling) has received funding from Poland’s National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR) for the project titled “System for Optimization of Current Operations of Combined Sewer and Stormwater Networks for Extreme Events (SOBEK).”
The second competition of the Government Strategic Program Hydrostrateg, titled “Innovations for Water Management and Inland Navigation,” concluded in June this year. A joint project by ICM UW (as the lead) and KartGIS Ltd. was selected from among 33 applications that met the initial assessment criteria, ultimately being one of only 7 projects awarded NCBR funding. SOBEK received positive evaluations in the thematic area of “Water in the City.”
The contract for the project “System for Optimization of Current Operations of Combined Sewer and Stormwater Networks for Extreme Events (SOBEK)” was signed on November 6, 2024. The project received national funding from the National Centre for Research and Development in the amount of PLN 16,869,088.72, with PLN 9,355,625.00 allocated to ICM UW. The total cost of the project is PLN 20,361,474.43.
The project aims to develop the SOBEK system to manage sewer networks in response to challenges related to climate change, with the goal of counteracting and reducing the effects of extreme weather events. This project encompasses multifaceted R&D efforts to create the innovative SOBEK platform designed for forecasting and modeling the conditions of combined and storm sewer networks.
This solution aligns with the integrated efforts under the Water Framework Directive and will serve as essential support in decision-making for implementing water resource conservation measures and optimizing wastewater and stormwater management.
The project’s goals will be achieved through the development of an innovative solution that centralizes previously scattered information. This will enable various analyses, such as blockage studies, retention improvement, assessing the impact of new investments on the existing hydraulic network, hydraulic modeling of sewer systems, analyzing optimal measurement systems, and enhancing network management during heavy rainfall events.
The Government Strategic Program Hydrostrateg “Innovations for Water Management and Inland Navigation” was approved in December 2021 by the Ministry of Education and Science. The primary goal of this program, managed by the NCBR, is to implement new solutions that improve the efficiency of water use and management in Poland. The total budget for the Hydrostrateg II competition amounted to PLN 220 million.
For more information about the program, visit the NCBR website.