Voltz Karine, Wocjan Tomasz, Klenin Konstantin, Trylska Joanna, Tozzini Valentina, Kurkal Vandana, Smith Jeremy, Langowski Jörg DNA dynamics on the nucleosome simulated by coarse-grained models , BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL , 2007 , suppl S , s. 540
Trylska Joanna Binding pathways of ligands to HIV-1 protease Biological Diffusion and Brownian Dynamics Brainstorm, 26-29 March 2007, Heidelberg, Germany , Heidelberg , 2007
Szopiński Kazimierz, Mlosek R., Mróz Cezary, Przelaskowski Artur, Sielużycka Joanna Whole-breast ultrasound documenting the total volume of the breast and axillary region – a feasibility study. , ULTRASONOGRAFIA , 2007 , 31 , s. 47-52
Romanowski Zbigniew A B-spline finite element solution of the Kohn–Sham equation for an atom , ACTA ASTRONOMICA , 2007 , 16 , s. 1-14
Romanowski Zbigniew, Krukowski Stanisław Transformation of complex spherical harmonics under rotations , Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical , 2007 , 40 , s. 15071-15082
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Szopiński Kazimierz, Mróz C, Przelaskowski A, Mlosek R, Sielżucka J, Słapa R A new method of merging and reviewing of 3D ultrasound data sets – application in breast and thyroid sonography , European Radiology Supplements , 2007 , 17 , s. 178
Krukowski Stanisław, Grzegorzy Izabella, Bockowski Michał, Łucznik Boleslaw, Wróblewski Mirosław, Porowski Sylwester Adsorption and dissolution of nitrogen in lithium—QM DFT investigation , Journal of Crystal Growth , 2007 , 304 , s. 299-309
Plewczyński Dariusz, Slabinski Leszek, Tkacz Adrian, Kajan Laszlo, Holm Liisa, Ginalski Krzysztof, Rychlewski Leszek The RPSP: Web server for prediction of signal peptides , POLYMER , 2007 , 18 , s. 5493-5496
Sot Robert, Piechota Jacek First Principles Study of Al(100) Twisted Interfaces , Solid State Phenomena , 2007 , 129 , s. 131-136
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Dikiy Alexander, Novoselov Sergey, Fomenko Dmitri, Sengupta Aniruddha, Carlson Bradley, Cerny Ronald, Ginalski Krzysztof, Grishin Nick, Hatfield Dolph, Gladyshev Vadim SelT, SelW, SelH, and Rdx12: Genomics and Molecular Insights into the Functions of Selenoproteins of a Novel Thioredoxin-like Family , Biochemistry , 2007 , 46 , s. 6871-6882
Kniżewski Łukasz, Kinch Lisa, Grishin Nick, Rychlewski Leszek, Ginalski Krzysztof Realm of PD-(D/E)XK nuclease superfamily revisited: detection of novel families with modified transitive meta profile searches , BMC STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY , 2007 , 7 , s. 1-9
Kniżewski Łukasz, Ginalski Krzysztof Bacterial DUF199/COG1481 Proteins Including Sporulation Regulator WhiA are Distant Homologs of LAGLIDADG Homing Endonucleases that Retained Only DNA Binding , Cell Cycle , 2007 , 6 , s. 1666-1670
Gokieli Ryszard, Nawrocki Krzysztof, Padee Adam, Stojda Dorota, Wawrzyniak Karol, Wiślicki Wojciech Polish Grid Infrastructure for Science and Research Proceedings of IEEE Eurocon 2007 International Conferenceom ‘Computer as a Tool’ Warsaw, September 9-12 , ? , IEE , 2007
Trylska Joanna, Tozzini Valentina, Chang Chia-en, McCammon J. Andrew HIV-1 Protease Substrate Binding and Product Release Pathways Explored with Coarse-Grained Molecular Dynamics , BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL , 2007 , 92 , s. 4179-4187
Tozzini Valentina, Trylska Joanna, Chang Chia-en, McCammon J. Andrew Flap Opening Dynamics in HIV-1 Protease Explored with a Coarse-Grained Model , JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY , 2007 , 157 , s. 606-615
Chang Chia-en, Trylska Joanna, Tozzini Valentina, McCammon J. Andrew Binding Pathways of Ligands to HIV-1 Protease: Coarse-grained and Atomistic Simulations , Chemical Biology & Drug Design , 2007 , 69 , s. 5-13
Krukowski Stanisław, Kempisty Paweł, Strąk P., Nowak G., Czarnecki R., Leszczynski M., Suski T., Bockowski M., Grzegory I. Modelling the growth of nitrides in ammonia-rich environment , CRYSTAL RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY , 2007 , 42 , s. 1281-1290
Strąk Paweł, Krukowski Stanisław Molecular nitrogen-N2 properties: The intermolecular potential and the equation of state , JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS , 2007 , 126 , s. 194501-194511
Załuska-Kotur Magdalena, Krukowski Stanisław, Łusakowski Andrzej, Turski Łukasz Domain growth in the interacting adsorbate: Nonsymmetric particle jump model , PHYSICAL REVIEW B , 2007 , 75 , s. 1-6
Radomski Jan P., Slonimski Piotr P. Primary sequences of proteins from complete genomes display a singular periodicity: Alignment-free N-gram analysis , COMPTES RENDUS BIOLOGIES , 2007 , 330 , s. 33-48
Plewczyński Dariusz How to estimate the size of Druggable Human Genome , ADVANCES IN CHEMINFORMATICS , 2007 , 1 , s. 11-19
Wyrwicz Lucjan, Koczyk Grzegorz, Rychlewski Leszek, Plewczyński Dariusz ProteinSplit: splitting of multi-domain proteins using prediction of ordered and disordered regions in protein sequences for virtual structural genomics , JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER , 2007 , 19 , s. 1-8
Ito Akio, Kenmochi Nobuyuki, Niezgódka Marek Phase Separation Model of Penrose-Fife Type With Signorini Boundary Condition , Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications , 2007 , 17 , s. 337-356
Tkacz Adrian, Rychlewski Leszek, Uva Paolo, Plewczyński Dariusz Supervised Classification of Genes and Biological Samples DNA Microarrays. Current Applications , Great Britain , Horizon Bioscience , 2007
Plewczyński Dariusz, Tkacz Adrian AutoMotif Server: A Computational Protocol for Identification of Post-Translational Modifications in Protein Sequences. , Nature Protocols , 2007 , 2 , s. 1
Plewczyński Dariusz, von Grotthuss Marcin, Spieser Stephane, Rychlewski Leszek, Wyrwicz Lucjan, Ginalski Krzysztof, Koch Uwe Target Specific Compound Identification Using a Support Vector Machine , COMBINATORIAL CHEMISTRY & HIGH THROUGHPUT SCREENING , 2007 , 10 , s. 189-196
Grochala Wojciech Atypical compounds of gases, which have been called ‘noble’ , CHEMICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS , 2007 , 36 , s. 1632-1655
Mróz C, Przelaskowski A, Szopiński Kazimierz Wizualizacja 3W badań USG tarczycy: redukcja szumu speklowego i ekstrakcja cech diagnostycznych Materiały konferencyjne: II Ogólnopolska Konferencja-Sympozjum Inżynieria Biomedyczna i Telemedycyna Warszawa 7 września 200 , Warszawa , 2007
Mróz C, Przelaskowski A, Radecki L, Szopiński Kazimierz Obrazowanie sutka i tarczycy z wykorzystaniem ultrasonografii trójwymiarowej Materiały konferencyjne: XV Krajowa Konferencja Biocybernetyki i Inżynierii Biomedycznej. Wrocław 12-15 września 2007 , Wrocław , 2007
Chlebiej Michał, Nowiński Krzysztof, Ścisło Piotr, Bała Piotr Heart Motion Visualization Tools for 4D Echocardiographic Images , Journal of Medical Informatics & Technologies , 2007 , 11 , s. 177-184
Bała Piotr Chemomentum – Grid environment to enable research in computational chemistry , ACTA ASTRONOMICA , 2007 , 54 , s. 60
Chlebiej Michał, Nowiński Krzysztof, Ścisło Piotr, Bała Piotr Reconstruction of Heart Motion from 4D Echocardiographic Images , Lecture Notes in Computer Science , 2007 , 4673 , s. 245-252
Sot Robert, Gokieli Maria, Garbacz Halina, Kurzydłowski Krzysztof Computational study of the equilibrium concentrations of point defects in B2-RuAl , Inżynieria Materiałowa , 2007 , 28 , s. 463-467
Plewczyński Dariusz, Hoffmann Marcin, von Grotthuss Marcin, Ginalski Krzysztof, Rychlewski Leszek Jerzy In Silico Prediction of SARS Protease Inhibitors by Virtual High Throughput Screening , Chemical Biology & Drug Design , 2007 , 69 , s. 269-279
Plewczyński Dariusz, Hoffmann Marcin, von Grotthuss Marcin, Kniżewski Łukasz, Rychlewski Leszek Jerzy, Eitner Krystian, Ginalski Krzysztof Modelling of potentially promising SARS protease inhibitors , JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER , 2007 , 19 , s. 1-18
Grochala Wojciech Stabilization of WVI in Environment via Acid/Base Reactions, and General Route to Layered Transition Metal Nitrides , Polish Journal of Chemistry , 2007 , 81 , s. 613-620
Romanowski Zbigniew Numerical Solution of Kohn-Sham Equation for Atom , Acta Physica Polonica B , 2007 , 38 , s. 3263-3286
Benedyczak Krzysztof, Nowiński Aleksander, Nowiński Krzysztof, Bała Piotr UniGrids Streaming Framework: Enabling Streaming for the New Generation of Grids , Lecture Notes in Computer Science , 2007 , 4699 , s. 809-818
Grochala Wojciech, Grochala Wojciech, Hoffmann Roald, Feng Ji, Ashcroft Neil The Chemical Imaginationa at Work in Very Tight Places , ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION , 2007 , 46 , s. 3620-3642
Jaroń Tomasz, Grochala Wojciech, Grochala Wojciech, Hoffmann Roald Towards superconductivity in hydrides: computational studies of two hypothetical ternary compounds, Yb^{II}BeH_4 and Cs_3 Yb{III}H_6 , JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MODELING , 2007 , 13 , s. 769-774
Grochala Wojciech, Grochala Wojciech Orbital landscapes for reductive 2e− activation of dihydrogen molecule , JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MODELING , 2007 , 13 , s. 757-767
Grochala Wojciech, Grochala Wojciech Atypical compounds of gases, which have been called ‘noble’ , CHEMICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS , 2007 , 36 , s. 1632-1655
Maj Łukasz, Grochala Wojciech, Grochala Wojciech Unprecedented flexibility of the >Ti=Si< group for the addition of H2 , PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS , 2007 , 9 , s. 2706-2712
Grochala Wojciech, Grochala Wojciech Stabilization of WVI in Nitride Environment via Acid/Base Reactions, and General Route to Layered Transition Metal Nitrides , Polish Journal of Chemistry , 2007 , 81 , s. 613-620
Zając Jan, Batorski Dominik Jak skłonić do udziału w badaniach internetowych: Zwiększanie realizacji próby , PSYCHOLOGIA SPOLECZNA , 2007 , 2 , s. 234-247
Łopuszyński Michał, Majewski Jacek Density Functional Studies of Nonlinear Elastic Properties for Zinc-Blende Nitrides , ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A , 2007 , 112 , s. 443-447
Łopuszyński Michał, Majewski Jacek Ab initio calculations of third-order elastic constants and related properties for selected semiconductors , PHYSICAL REVIEW B , 2007 , 76 , s. 1-8
Foryś Urszula, Szymańska Zuzanna Analisis of the heterotrophic – autorophic organisms model Krajowa Konferencja Zastosowan Matematyki w Biologii i Medycynie, Serpelice nad Bugiem, 18 – 22 wrzesnia 2007 , Serplice , 2007
Bolikowski Łukasz, Gambin Anna New Metrics for Phylogenies , FUNDAMENTA INFORMATICAE , 2007 , 78 , s. 199-216
Łopuszyński Michał, Płaziak Joanna, Majewski Jacek Theoretical Calculations of Cohesive and Electronic Properties of Quaternary AlGaInN Alloys , ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A , 2007 , 112 , s. 449-454
Trzcińska-Daneluti Agata, Górecki Adam, Czubaty Alicja, Kowalska-Loth Barbara, Girstun Agnieszka, Murawska Magdalena, Lesyng Bogdan, Staroń Krzysztof Proteins Interacting with the Cap Region of Topoisomerase , JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY , 2007 , 369 , s. 1098-1112
Walewski Łukasz, Bała Piotr, Lesyng Bogdan Steered Classical and Quantum Path-Integral Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Strongly Coupled Protons Motions in Porphycene From Computational Biophysics to Systems Biology (CBSB07), Proceedings of the NIC Workshop 2007 , Juelich , John von Neumann Institute for Computing , 2007
Hallay-Suszek Marta, Grochowski Paweł, Lesyng Bogdan Parameterization of the Potential Energy Surface of the Double Proton Transfer in Porphyrins From Computational Biophysics to Systems Biology (CBSB07), Proceedings of the NIC Workshop 2007 , Juelich , John von Neumann Institute for Computing, Juelich , 2007
Batorski Dominik, Grzelak Janusz, Sułek Antoni, Tymowska Katarzyna, Kotowska Irena, Szumlicz Tadeusz Diagnoza społeczna 2007 , Czapiński Janusz, Panek Tomasz , Warszawa , VizjaPress@IT , 2007
Romiszewski Jerzy, Grochala Wojciech, Grochala Wojciech, Stolarczyk Leszek Pressure-induced transformations of AgIIF2-towards an ‘infinite layer’ d9 material , JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER , 2007 , 19 , s. 1-13
Górecki Adam, Górecki Adam, Trylska Joanna, Lesyng Bogdan Causality and Correlation Analyses of Molecular Dynamics Simulation Data From Computational Biophysics to Systems Biology (CBSB07, John von Neumann Institute for Computing, Julich,Germany,2007) workshop august 2007 , Juelich, Germany , NIC Directors , 2007
Gruziel Magdalena, Kmieć Piotr, Kmieć Piotr, Trylska Joanna, Lesyng Bogdan Selected Microscopic and Mezoscopic Modeling Tools and Models – An Overview Molecular Materials with Specific Interactions – Modeling and Design , Dordrecht, The Netherlands , Springer , 2007
Gambin Anna, Dutkowski Janusz, Karczmarski Jakub, Kluge Bogusław, Kowalczyk Krzysztof, Ostrowski Jerzy, Poznański Jarosław, Tiuryn Jerzy, Bakun M., Dadlez Michał Lech Automated reduction and interpretation of multidimensional mass spectra for analysis of complex peptide mixtures , International Journal of Mass Spectrometry , 2007 , 260 , s. 20-30
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